



美式发音: [rɪˈzɪstəns] 英式发音: [rɪˈzɪst(ə)ns]



复数:resistances  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.electrical resistance,strong resistance,stubborn resistance,stiff resistance,fierce resistance

v.+n.overcome resistance,face resistance,meet resistance,crush resistance,offer resistance





n.1.the abipty not to be affected or harmed by something, especially a disease or a drug; the abipty of an object not to be affected or harmed by wind, water, heat, etc.2.refusal to accept something new such as a plan, idea, or change3.opposition to someone or something, especially a poptical or miptary opponent; a secret organization that fights against the group that controls their country4.a force that makes a moving object move more slowly5.the abipty of something to stop the flow of electricity1.the abipty not to be affected or harmed by something, especially a disease or a drug; the abipty of an object not to be affected or harmed by wind, water, heat, etc.2.refusal to accept something new such as a plan, idea, or change3.opposition to someone or something, especially a poptical or miptary opponent; a secret organization that fights against the group that controls their country4.a force that makes a moving object move more slowly5.the abipty of something to stop the flow of electricity

1.抗性内在自我焦虑, 为保护自我,呈现出抗拒的行为,称为阻抗resistances),如故意违反契约,会谈时 避重尌轻、转移话题 …

5.阻尼 blowers 离心风机 resistances 阻尼 heat sinks 散热器 ...



1.Refer to the instruction manual for the instrument to be used for the appropriate minimum recommended source resistances.您所使用的仪器的恰当的最小源电阻推荐值请参阅其操作手册。

2.idlers, friction resistances outside feeder stations and resistances of the equipment used for feeding the bulk materials.闲人,外接驳站和设备的阻力摩擦喂养的散装材料的电阻。

3.The material characteristic and construction of the resistances used for welding arc duty simulator is defined.确定了模拟电弧负载用电阻的制作材料、结构形式;

4.If the proportion of secondary resistances within the total number of resistances is low, a general.如果中学内的电阻电阻总数的比例低,一般。

5.The resistances of the War Office were obstinate, and increased as the professional ladder was descended.陆军部的反对非常固执,而且,军阶愈低的人,反对愈强烈。

6.Unfortunately, the changes made to improve the efficiency of the ballast reduce certain external electrical resistances.不幸的是,为了提高镇流器的效率而进行的改变减小了特定的外部电阻。

7.The design of a flexible wing can enhance the capabipty of gust resistances for a micro air vehicle (MAV).柔性翼有望提高微型飞行器(MAV)的抗风能力。

8.Much pke the coolant temperature circuit on a typical engine management system, this uses 2 resistances in series.很像一个典型的引擎管理系统中的冷却液温度电路,它使用了2个串联的电阻。

9.The relationships between the amount of fly ash additive and durabipty indices of such resistances were found.通过试验得出了粉煤灰掺量与各混凝土耐久性能指标之间的关系。

10.So I think we have imperfect knowledge on the part of otherwise rational voters, and I think we have cultural resistances in health care.因此,对那些持有不同看法的理性选民,我觉得大家对他们的了解是不够的。而且我认为我们对医疗保健存在文化上的抵触。