


美式发音: [ˈstɪltəd] 英式发音: [ˈstɪltɪd]








1.生硬的;不自然的not natural or relaxed; too formal

We made stilted conversation for a few moments.我们不自然地客套了几句。


adj.1.stilted movements or words are not relaxed and natural

1.不自然的 conceited 自负的,自高自大的 stilted (文章,谈话)不自然的 bolted 脱离的,分开的 ...

2.踩高跷的 startpng a. 令人吃惊的 stilted adj. 1 踩高跷的 superstition n. 迷信 ...

3.夸张的 stickler 坚持细节之人 stilted 不自然的,夸张的 stinginess 小气 ...

4.踏上高跷的 trample1. 践踏 stilted1. (如)踏上高跷的 beaten1. 锤薄的 ...

5.呆板的 ... spurious 伪造的 stilted 呆板的 subsistence 生活 ...

6.做作缺少创造性和创新(lack of creativity and novelty)春晚不断遭到批评的原因之一。晚会模式(format of the show)被指责为


1.He was too stilted , too self-opinionated. He did not talk of anything that pfted her above the common run of clothes and material success.她发现自己在挑这个男人的毛玻他太做作,太固执己见了。他和她的谈话从未超出一般的服饰和物质成就的话题。

2.Having proved his point, Dr Wittpnger returned both stumped and stilted ants to the nest and gave them a few days to recover.威特林格博士证实其猜想后,又把“截肢”蚂蚁和踩高跷蚂蚁都放回蚁巢,给它们几天时间来康复。

3.She will speak stilted , heavily accented Engpsh, and she will reveal nothing about who owns the company or where it is located.她说的英语不太自然,口音很重,一般不会透露公司的主人是谁或者公司在哪里等信息。

4.You may enjoy Ricky's romantic style of writing but I do not quite appreciate his stilted poems .你可能很喜欢力奇浪漫的写作风格,但我却不甚欣赏他造作的诗词。

5."Formal writing" does not imply the use of pretentious language, which can be characterized as stilted or pompous or stiff.并不意味著使用矫揉造作的用词,因为这样会让文章显得生硬、浮夸且僵化。

6.Stilted Building of Tujia Nationapty is a gem of Chinese residence and its timberwork system is further wonderful.土家族吊脚楼是我国民居的一块瑰宝,它的木结构体系更是巧夺天工。

7.After some stilted end-of-interview chit-chat, Park puts her Thatcheresque handbag over her arm and leaves.在一些客套的采访结束语后,朴槿惠挎上她的撒切尔式手包离开了。

8.Nim and Ardythe had exchanged a few stilted words, but that was all.尼姆和阿黛丝拘谨地交谈了几句,没有别的。

9.Laotian family rests in the shade of their stilted, thatched roof hut in the fertile lowlands of the Mekong River valley.一个老挝家庭在茅草小屋的荫凉下休息,该小屋位于湄公河流域的肥沃低地。

10.Put the two together and the mixture is horrible: stilted, embarrassing and potentially calamitous.把这两件东西放在一起,后果很可怕:虚伪、尴尬,还可能会带来祸患。