



美式发音: [streɪt] 英式发音: [streɪt]




复数:straits  同义词





n.1.a narrow area of water that joins two larger areas of water

1.海峡 第四节 海湾( bays) 第五节 海峡( straits) 第五节 毗连区( contiguous zone) ...

2.困难 abyss 深渊,深坑 straits 困难,窘境 oddments 残余物,零头 ...

3.困境 straits 困境 food 食物 ...

4.窘境 abyss 深渊,深坑 straits 困难,窘境 oddments 残余物,零头 ...

5.国际海峡 Shanghai 中国上海 Straits 新加坡海峡 Jakarta 印尼雅加达 ...

7.海峡资源有限公司。迈特里克矿产公司与澳大利亚证券交易所上市企业——海峡资源有限公司Straits)合作投资该项目,其中迈特里克公司控 …

8.窘迫 37 bizarre 怪诞的;异乎寻常的 39 straits 困境,窘迫 40 hovercraft 气垫船 ...


1.It accused the party of trying "to sabotage the hard-earned positive situation of cross-straits relations" .中国政府指责其“试图破坏艰难取得的良好的两岸关系。”

2.I should add that it is possible a friend will be in dire straits, and you may be moved to help by writing her a check.我要补充,这是可能的一个朋友将在水深火热之中,并且您可能会被转移到帮助她写一张支票。

3.These are the times we prepared you for, so to enable you to be of the utmost help for your brothers and sisters in dire straits.这些是我们让你们准备的时刻,如此以让你们能够成为你们那些处于艰难困苦中的兄弟姐妹们的最大帮助。

4.To such straits was he reduced by his extravagance that he took to begging.他因为挥霍浪费而弄到这般境地,竟然开始要起饭来。

5.He began to worry about the necessity of a new connection and to see impending serious financial straits unless something turned up.他开始为必须再找寻新的关系而发愁,并且开始意识到,除非出现什么转机,否则严重的经济困难已经迫在眉睫。

6."Chinese people on both sides of the straits tend to see history from their own national scope, " she said.“两岸的中国人倾向于从各自的角度看待历史,”他说。

7.The amended marital property system between the two sides of Taiwan Straits tends to be similar in some aspects while confpcts still exist.修改后的两岸新夫妻财产制,虽然呈现出一些共同点,但仍有诸多冲突。

8.It is a sign that European countries may be moving closer to a deal to help Greece out of its immediate financial straits.这是一个迹象,表明欧洲国家可能正在接近达成协议,帮助希腊走出其当前的财政困境。

9.Q: During the recent Tokyo Film Festival, the two sides across the Taiwan Straits disputed over the name under which Taiwan participates.问:最近举行的东京电影节上,两岸由于台湾参与名称问题发生争执。

10.The Kuomintang tried to strangle us by cutting off the funds due to us and imposing an economic blockade; we were indeed in dire straits.国民党用停发经费和经济封锁来对待我们,企图把我们困死,我们的困难真是大极了。