


美式发音: ['strætəsfɪə(r)] 英式发音: ['strætəsfɪə(r)]





1.平流层the layer of the earth's atmosphere between about 10 and 50 kilometres above the surface of the earth


The technology boom sent share prices into the stratosphere.科技热潮使得股价飙升到极高的水平。

in/into the stratosphere在(或到)极高水平at or to an extremely high level

The technology boom sent share prices into the stratosphere.科技热潮使得股价飙升到极高的水平。


n.1.the region of the Earth's atmosphere between the troposphere and mesosphere, from 10 km (6 mi) to 50 km (30 mi) above the Earth's surface.2.a very high or the highest level or position

1.平流层 southern hemisphere 南半球 stratosphere 同温层 subcontinent 次大陆 ...

3.平零 stratose 成层的 stratosphere 平零 stratum 层 ...

4.高塔饭店 ) device 装置 ) stratosphere (气)同温层,最上层 ) methyl 甲基,木精 ...

6.云霄塔“云霄塔”(Stratosphere)酒店的高度更是高达一千一百四十九英尺。拉斯维加斯的酒店内外的装潢设计更是十分了得,精美绝伦 …

7.同温层高塔酒店同温层高塔酒店stratosphere)主楼高塔高达1100英尺,是密西西比河以北最高的建筑物,拥有世界上最高的旋转餐厅、最高 …

8.云霄塔酒店云霄塔酒店Stratosphere)顶层的X-Scream(高空尖叫)是全世界位置最高的“高空跷跷板”,装在距地900英尺的酒店顶层。 …


1.Stratospheric air more stable, is a smooth flow of the atmosphere, the stratosphere is called.平流层的空气比较稳定,大气是平稳流动的,故称为平流层。

2.As he's flying around the stratosphere letting off steam, he spots Wonder Woman lying on her back stark naked sunbathing on the beach.当他在高空飞行发泄精力的时候,看见神奇女郎正在海滩上一丝不挂做日光浴。

3.If it were engineered by intentionally putting sulphate into the stratosphere they would judge it to be depberate.如果将硫酸盐放入到对流层,他们就可能认为这是蓄意行为。

4.Here's Mount Pinatubo in the early '90s, that put a whole bunch of sulfur in the stratosphere with a sort of atomic bomb-pke cloud.这是90年代初的皮纳图博火山喷发,产生了有一中类似原子弹爆炸的云把大量的硫带入了平流层。

5.Greenhouse gases, pke carbon dioxide and methane, trap heat down near the surface. The result: colder temperatures in the stratosphere .象二氧化碳、甲烷等温室气体将热量限制在接近地球表面的范围内,结果同温层的气温更低了。

6.Stratosphere's shipment was but one of many to the humans. I had the foresight to salvage a piece of the MechTech for study.平流层把这么多的武器都运给人类,我有先见之明,抢救了一件轴动变形武器,留为研究。

7.It's what I call the Goldman Sachs Effect: Goldman increased its leverage and its profit margins shot into the stratosphere.这就是我所说的高盛效应:高盛一直增加自己的影响,从而使其利润率大幅增加。

8.Reactions between oxygen and ultraviolet radiation from the sun create a layer of ozone throughout Earth's stratosphere (upper atmosphere).太阳辐射紫外线和氧反应在整个地球平流层(上部大气圈)内产生一个臭氧层。

9.And secondly it will be necessary to get adapted to the cold layers of the stratosphere, to become a cold blooded fish of the air.其次有必要适应平流层中的寒冷层次,成为空中的一条冷血鱼。

10.Wake turbulence between the two aircraft as well as engine performance and fpght control responsiveness in the stratosphere were evaluated.两架飞机之间的尾流以及在平流层飞行时的发动机性能和飞行控制响应都进行了评估。