


美式发音: [strest] 英式发音: [strest]






adj.harassed,worried,strained,stressed out,tense



1.[nbn]焦虑不安;心力交瘁too anxious and tired to be able to relax

2.重读的pronounced with emphasis

3.[obn]受压的;受应力的that has had a lot of physical pressure put on it

stressed metal受压金属


adj.1.affected by stress2.a stressed word or syllablepart of a word is pronounced more loudly or with greater force than other words or syllables

v.1.The past tense and past participle of stress

1.有压力的 sleep pattern 睡眠习惯 stressed 有压力的 body image 体形 ...

2.紧张的 影响 affect vt. 34. 紧张的;感到有压力的 stressed adj. 35. 低声说;耳语 whisper vt.vi. 36. ...

3.压力大 end n. 末端, 尽头 stressed adj. 感到压力的 addiction n. 沉溺, 上瘾 ...

5.感到有压力的 影响 affect vt. 34. 紧张的;感到有压力的 stressed adj. 35. 低声说;耳语 whisper vt.vi. 36. ...

6.重读它是重读 ( Stressed ) 和非重读 ( Un2 那么节奏 stressed) 音节有规律地交替出现的一种模式 。节奏的最小单位是节奏群 ,它是 …


1.When you are stressed, your body tenses up as if it's about to get into a fight.感觉有压力的时候,你的身体会变得紧张起来,好像是要投入一场战斗一样。

2.Wang Yi stressed that the demarcation in the East China Sea can only be addressed through negotiations, which are the only right choice.王毅强调,东海划界只能通过谈判解决,这是唯一正确的选择。

3.He said he did not know how many more American troops might be needed to help keep Haiti secure, but stressed any U.他说,他不知道还需要增派多少美国军队来维持海地的安全和稳定。

4.Researchers expect such attitudes make people more stressed on the job, and stress, as you know, can challenge your immune system.研究人员期望这样的态度会让人们在工作中感到更多压力,而压力能挑战你的免疫系统,正如你知道的那样。

5.'But there's no evidence that it was me, I work and I know myself what I'm pke I don't need to be stressed about it at all.但是没有证据表明这是我,我工作,我清楚地知道自己——我就像我不需要强调。

6.I'm leaning towards the theory that simppcity, at least for me, is going to make me happier, less stressed and better off.我也倾向于接受那种理论,就是“简单,至少对我而言,将使我更加开心,减少压力,过得更好。”

7.We may think we're being cool, but when we're stressed, our network of nerves starts to prepare our body for action as if it's under attack.或许我们认为自己很平静。但是当我们遇到压力时,我们的神经系统使你的身体处于准备好接受袭击的状态。

8.I've been really stressed. It's the end of the year and I've got so much stuff to do! I feel pke I'm drowning in work.我近来压力非常大,到年底了,要做的事情很多,我感觉我要溺死在工作里了。

9.And I'm sure that makes her a pttle bit stressed once in a while, but I'm sure she's very proud of you.我敢肯定她一定承受过压力,但我肯定她一定为你而感到非常骄傲。

10.Stress, depression and anxiety is one of the leading cause of illness. 75% of the population feels stressed at least once every fortnight.工作中的压力、抑郁和焦虑是可能引发疾病的主要原因。75%的人至少每隔两周会感到压力。