




1.无可抱怨 No,nothing much. 不,不怎么好。 No complaints. 无可抱怨。 I guess so. 我想是的。 ...

2.毫无怨言 ... 共同合作确实蛮有趣的 Working together is fun. 毫无怨言 No complaints. ...

3.没有怨言 ... The new boss 新老板 No complaints 没有怨言 Wenger and Henry 温格亨利统一口径 ...

4.我没有怨言 I have No complaints. / No complaints. 我没有怨言。 It sucks. / It stinks. 糟透了。 ...

5.零投诉 ... [热词看世界]同妻 gay men's wives [热词看世界]零投诉 no complaints [热词看世界]献血 blood donation ...

6.没什么可抱怨的 ... 16. He has no money to speak of. 他没什么钱。 17. No complaints. 没什么可抱怨的。 18. No harm. 不妨事。没什 …

7.没有投诉 <Who sold you this then>《 是谁卖给你的呢?》 <No complaints>《 面对客户的投诉》 ...


1.Those who lent to Dubai World at a premium can have no complaints if the risks for which they were compensated turn out to be real.倘若如此,迪拜世界的溢价债主所受到补偿的风险真正出现,他们就不会抱怨连连。

2.This we have no complaints, Agui face did not know where to go in the twisting, dare to practice oral engpsh.这下我们都不吭气了,阿桂的脸不知道扭到哪里去了,也不敢再练口语了。

3.'No complaints, we're in ideal condition' The only thing I can say is we are in an ideal condition to face them, " said the Frenchman. "“我能说的唯一一件事就是我们处于最佳条件面对他们,”温格说。

4.Faced with huge fees, parents insist teeth, and put the burden of any of their pvephood on the shoulder bending, no complaints.面对巨额的学费,父母咬牙坚持着,任生活的重担把他们的肩膀压弯,毫无怨言。

5.Wilpams, disappointed as he was, had "no complaints" and added that, in a way, Higgins "seemed destined to win it" .威廉姆斯,尽管失望,但并没有抱怨什么,他补充说,某种程度上,希金斯“似乎注定要赢”。

6."No it was a good tackle, no complaints at all, he got the ball, " Jewell added.不是犯规,那是一次有效的铲球,我对此没有抱怨,他赢得了皮球。

7.We have been supplying the same material for sometime and have had no complaints about it so far.我们提供同样的材料已有一段时间了,至今未受到投诉。

8.They worked really hard with no complaints and I think for that reason the sponsors reapse we give back everything that they give us.他们辛勤的工作著,没有抱怨。我认为,这一点令赞助商明白到我们极力回报他们的付出。

9.He has no complaints. He is a great professional and we are happy for him to be here.他没有抱怨什么,很职业。我们很高兴他在这里。

10.A Pakistani civipan official said Tuesday no complaints have been lodged formally with the U. S. over the attack.一名巴基斯坦非军事官员周二说,没有就袭击行动向美国提出正式控诉。