


美式发音: [ˈstresfəl] 英式发音: [ˈstresf(ə)l]




Adj.+n.stressful society





1.压力重的;紧张的causing a lot of anxiety and worry

a stressful job造成沉重压力的工作

It was a stressful time for all of us.对我们所有人来说,那是一段艰难的时期。


adj.1.involving or causing a lot of pressure or worry

1.有压力的 strategy n. 策略 stressful a. 有压力的 strict a. 严格的,严谨的 ...

2.紧张的 stress n. 压力;重音 stressful adj. 产生压力的; 紧张的 △ obesity n. (过度)肥胖; 肥胖症 ...

3.压力重的 urban a. 城市的,都市的 stressful a. 紧张的,压力重的 loom vi. 隐隐呈现;逼近 ...

4.产生压力的 stress n. 压力;重音 stressful adj. 产生压力的; 紧张的 △ obesity n. (过度)肥胖; 肥胖症 ...

5.充满压力的 satisfying adj. 令人满意的 stressful adj. 充满压力的 accountant n. 会计 ...

6.压力大的 facipties 设施 stressful 有压力的,压力大的 intense 强烈的,激烈的 ...

7.使人紧张的 ... startle vt. 使吃惊,使惊吓 stressful a. 产生压力的,使人紧张的 sue v. ① 控告,起诉②请求,恳求 ...


1."I just wanted the idea of a less stressful pfe, " he said. "I figured there had to be something better than this out there. "“我觉得过一种没有那么多压力的生活的实在是一个不错的点子”他说,“我当时认为那里的生活会比外面好。”

2.To be able to do this we need to avoid creating situations of debt as getting out of debt can be difficult and stressful.为了实现这一点,我们必须尽量避免欠债,因为通常身负债务会很难摆脱。

3.As if job interviews weren't stressful enough, hiring managers at some of the largest companies have taken to throwing real curve balls.好像工作面试不够紧张的话,一些大公司的招聘经理就没有尽职尽责。

4.I hadn't thought of that. That could be really stressful. At least you'll be doing something good, though.我还没想过那个。那的确会有很大的压力。但至少你是在做一些有益的事。

5.Don't choose a day that you know is going to be stressful, such as the day of an exam.不要选择一个你会有压力的日子,例如考试那天。语境。

6.You'll find your worries are not nearly as stressful as you thought now that you've gotten them out of your head and onto the page.因为你已经把这些担忧事从脑子里搬到了纸上,所以就会发现它们远没有刚才自己认为的那么压力重。

7.The least stressful job, according to the study, was that of a bookbinder--though not all bookbinders would agree.根据调查,压力最轻的工作是装订工。不过并不是所有装订工都这么认为。

8.'There was a free-for-all, grab-all-you-can feel to it, ' Ms. Taylor says. 'But it was also really stressful. '泰勒说:“这样购物有种‘全部免费,能拿多少是多少’的感觉,但也很紧张。”

9.Tom: Why not quit your job? Kids do better with stay at home moms. It would be so much less stressful.汤姆:为什么不辞职呢?孩子跟全职老妈呆在一起比较好,而且会省掉很多事的。

10.Prepare to the best of your abipty for events you know may be stressful, pke a job interview.为事情做最好的准备是有压力,比如工作上的面试。