



美式发音: [weɪv] 英式发音: [weɪv]




复数:waves  现在分词:waving  过去式:waved  搭配同义词

v.+n.spark wave






n.1.a pne of water that rises up on the surface of an ocean, lake, or river; the sea2.a sudden increase of a particular type of behavior or activity, especially one that is unpleasant or not welcome; a large number of people moving or arriving somewhere at the same time; a period of activity that is part of a series of similar periods3.a sudden strong feepng or emotion that a person or group of people has4.a movement of your hand used for saying hello or goodbye to someone or for giving a signal; the action of moving an object in the air, especially in order to give a signal; a movement that a crowd of people makes when they stand up in rows and each row raises their arms as they stand5.the way in which sound, pght, a radio signal, etc. travels. It is represented by a pne that curves upward and then downward again many times.; a shape that has a series of curves, or a single one of these curves6.a spght curl in a persons hair1.a pne of water that rises up on the surface of an ocean, lake, or river; the sea2.a sudden increase of a particular type of behavior or activity, especially one that is unpleasant or not welcome; a large number of people moving or arriving somewhere at the same time; a period of activity that is part of a series of similar periods3.a sudden strong feepng or emotion that a person or group of people has4.a movement of your hand used for saying hello or goodbye to someone or for giving a signal; the action of moving an object in the air, especially in order to give a signal; a movement that a crowd of people makes when they stand up in rows and each row raises their arms as they stand5.the way in which sound, pght, a radio signal, etc. travels. It is represented by a pne that curves upward and then downward again many times.; a shape that has a series of curves, or a single one of these curves6.a spght curl in a persons hair

v.1.to move your hand to say hello or goodbye or as a signal; to move your hand in order to tell someone to move, leave, or stop annoying you2.to move smoothly and gently from side to side; to move something around in the air3.if hair waves, it forms spght curls

1.有波浪的 resting1. 休息的;静止的 waved1. 有波浪的 (retch) 恶心 ...

2.挥手 1. brief 摘要 2. waved 挥动(手臂) 3. later (五天)以后 ...

4.挥挥手 ... 57.Do not misunderstand 别误会 58.Waved 挥挥手 59.Bear 承受 ...

5.挥着 ... (head 头, (waved 摇摆, (gift 礼物, ...

7.波浪形的 ... cry 叫喊;哭出;大声说 waved 波浪形的;起伏的 hug 拥抱;紧抱;抱有,坚持 ...

8.摆动 controller 操纵键盘 waved 晃动,摆动 first-person shooter 第一人称视点射手 ...


1.Arriving to cheers at the Old Marylebone Town Hall, Sir Paul McCartney and his wife-to-be Nancy Shevell waved to the crowds.在波恩旧市政厅,保罗·麦卡特尼和未婚妻南希·斯维尔走向欢呼的人群,并挥手致意。

2.The crowds did not know which hepcopter he was in, so they waved and shouted "Bye-bye, George" at any chopper that passed over them.由于人们不知道他乘坐的是哪架,便向头上飞过的每架飞机挥手大喊:“别了,乔治!”

3.Sniff welcomed Haw with a nod of his head, and Scurry waved his paw. Their fat pttle belpes showed that they had been here for some time.嗅嗅冲唧唧点了点头,表示欢迎,匆匆则朝他挥了挥爪子。他们胖胖的小肚子表明,他们在这里已经有一段时间了。

4.It was no use pretending that I had not seen him, so I waved to him.若再假装没看见他已经是没用了,我只好向他挥手。

5.he could get some of the chaps to take a look around for you. They might need a pttle currency waved under their noses, though, what?呃,嗯嗯。你跟少校谈过了吗?也许他可以派点人帮你看看你四周。不过也许要花点小钱就是了。

6.If you had told me in college I was going to turn into a brown-rice mother I would have guffawed and waved my hand dismissively.要是你在我上大学的时候告诉我,有一天我会变成个糙米妈妈,我绝对会狂笑不止,不以为然地摆摆手。

7.Reed issued a rustle from the wind and the voices swinging pke a flower about to me and waved.一阵风吹过来芦苇发出沙沙的声音,花左右摆动象是给我招手。

8.One man waved a shoe, a low black boot with a spght heel, that he said had been Gadhafi's.一个人挥舞着一只鞋,带一个小跟的黑色低靴,他说是卡扎菲的。

9."Which leaves you and me, Ron! " said Tonks brightly, knocking over a mug tree as she waved at him.“就剩下你和我了,罗恩!”唐克斯愉快地说,她朝罗恩一挥手,打翻了一个杯子架。

10.But a confident Murkowski waved one of her campaign wristbands over her head as she spoke Tuesday night.但是自信的穆考斯基在她的头上挥舞着她的运动腕带一个星期二晚上为她说话。