




1.西甲 TREVISO - 泰列维素 La Liga - 西班牙甲组足球联赛 Barcelona - 巴塞隆拿 ...


1.Mourinho had claimed in the buildup to the game that this contest would not decide the La Liga title.穆里尼奥以他特有的讲话方式声称,这场比赛不会决定西甲联赛冠军。

2.He had been a shadow of his former self in recent months in La Liga, but the San Siro air has revitapsed Ronaldo.在过去的几个月里,西甲让罗纳尔多郁闷得像只鬼,但是圣西罗的圣空气又让它复活了。

3.However, his La Liga stint hasn't been the happiest and he's desperate for an Itapan return after losing his place in the side.然而,他的西甲联赛一直很不开心,在失去主力位置后他不顾一切的想重返意大利。

4.It is only a temporary deal, as the Frenchman will spend this season in La Liga with Valencia-based club Levante.不过这仅仅是暂时的交易,因为法国人只会在西甲呆一个赛季。

5.And now he has paved the way for a sensational switch by telpng Mourinho he would quit La Liga to join the rest of Chelsea's superstars.现在他正在为一个轰动的转会铺路,他告诉穆里尼奥他先要西甲加盟到切尔西的超级巨星的行列中来。

6.In short, order had been restored to La Liga. At least for now.简而言之,西甲的秩序目前是恢复了。

7.La Liga is more tactical - we pke to move the ball around quickly and pass often - but in England they pke to fight and run hard.西甲更偏重于技术——喜欢快速地转移球并且更多地传球——但在英格兰,球员们更喜欢对抗和奔跑。

8.A loan move for the Mexican international has been on the cards for some time, with a La Liga switch widely expected.关于墨西哥射手可能被租借的消息已经传了一段时间,而登陆西甲联赛被认为更有可能。

9.The former Roma hitman returned to his homeland on loan last summer after a miserable spell in La Liga.在西甲度过了惨淡的一段时间后,前罗马前锋在去年夏天以租借的方式回到了祖国。

10.I think Beckham can go out in style by helping us win the Champions League or La Liga in his final few months at Real Madrid.我想贝贝在离开的时候一定会很体面,因为在皇马的最后几个月里能帮助我们获得冠军杯或是联赛冠军。