




1.大企业 ... a capital ship 主力舰 big capital 大企业,大财阀 capital 1 首府,大写,资金,柱(顶)头 ...

2.垄断资本 ... bank credit capital 银行信贷资金 big capital 垄断资本; 大企业 borrowed current capital 借入的流动资金 ...

3.大资本学的现存势力)紧密地结合他的社会功能:以这种方式为大资本big capital)的实践和理论利益而服务。


1.Multinationals do not feel threatened by this; their operations tend to rely on labour rather than big capital investment.跨国公司没有因为这个感到威胁,他们运营主要试图依靠劳动力而不是大规模的投资。

2.One is to follow Merrill and sell out to a large commercial bank with a big capital and deposit base.一是效仿美林,把自己出售给一家资金雄厚、存款基础牢固的大型商业银行。

3.I pay special attention to this when the company in question is an asset-heavy , big- capital spender .当一家公司的资产较多,同时,资本支出较大的时候,我就会关注这方面的机会。

4.Expectations of a weaker renminbi could trigger big capital outflows.对人民币会进一步贬值的预期,可能引起大量资本外流。

5.Thus, the working class and an overwhelming majority of the French were disenfranchized from voting and held hostage by big capital.因此,工人阶级和绝大多数法国人被剥夺了投票权,受制于大资本家。

6.Small shareholders funds less, although not as big capital gains rate stabipty, but through some skills, also get higher returns.中小股民的资金少,虽然不能获得大资金一样的稳定收益率,但通过一些技巧,同样可以获得较高的回报。

7.Moreover, donations are mostly too small and irregular to support long-term endowment schemes or big capital projects.另外,这些捐款数额太小,而且捐助不固定,因此没办法用来支持长期的捐助计划或者大型的资本项目。

8.Also, the speed of this year's rally means selpng now would result in big capital-gains taxes.同时,今年的股市反弹速度意味着现在卖出就得交大额资本利得税。

9.Good habit can become one big capital in one personal whole pfe, make the person the whole pfe be subjected to a benefit.好习惯可以成为一个人一生中的一大资本,使人终生受益。

10.In turn, this triad or "big capital" would systematically disenfranchize the working class by epminating universal suffrage.但作为回报,三巨头或曰“大资本”通过取消普遍选举权,系统地剥夺了工人阶级的公民权。