


美式发音: [əˈɡraʊnd] 英式发音: [ə'ɡraʊnd]





adv.on shore



1.(船)搁浅if a shipruns/goes aground , it touches the ground in shallow water and cannot move



adj.1.onto or on ground, especially a shore, a reef, rocks, or the bottom of shallow water

1.搁浅 afield 在田里,在野外 aground 在地面上,搁浅 ahead 向前,在前头 ...

2.搁浅地 agrotype 土壤类型 aground 搁浅地 agrypnotic 提神剂 ...

3.触礁 aground 搁浅 aground (船)搁浅,触礁 black box (飞机等的)黑匣子 ...

4.在地上 [irreg acrimonious a. 尖酸的 ] aground ad. 在地上; 搁浅 [al+beit albite n. 曹长石, 苏打长石 ...

5.搁浅的 6.MOORED 停泊的 7.AGROUND 搁浅的 8.UNDER WAY SAILING 扬帆启航中 ...

6.坐滩 ... agitator 搅拌器 aground 搁浅,坐滩,触礁 ahead 向前,船前方,正车 ...

7.淡水河 ... sky 卡枚基台风 aground 淡水河 damply 潮湿地 ...


1.However, one of them woke sooner than the other, finding the boat too fast aground for him to stir it.后来,两个人中的一个比另外一个先醒过来,看见小船已经搁了浅,推又推不动。

2.The coastguard received a signal saying the ship had engine trouble and that it had run aground just off the island of Sibuyan.菲海上警卫队曾收到这艘船的信号,说她的引擎出现问题,正漂流在布延岛海岸。

3.At this point, however, I'm optimistic that this initiative will also run aground on popular disapproval.不过,在这一点上我比较乐观,因为这项动议在大众的反对声中同样也会搁浅。

4.The ship that has run aground could face a fine of up to 1 milpon Austrapan dollars, or about $US 920, 000.搁浅船只可能面临最高100万澳元的罚款,大约相当于92万美元。

5.The management change comes as Google's attempt to expand its share of the heavily-censored Chinese market appears to have run aground .谷歌管理层的变化发生在谷歌试图扩大中国市场份额的努力似乎搁浅之际。

6.Yet at some point the economies of scale are bound to run aground on the cost of upgrading ports to handle ever larger vessels.从某种程度上来说,为容纳更大货船而进行港口升级的成本十分昂贵,对规模经济的追求必将因此而搁浅。

7.We were winning the boat race until our boat went aground (on an sand bank).我们快要赢得这次赛艇比赛时,突然我们的船搁浅了。

8.Not much new in that, it seems, though it is almost two years since the previous direct talks took place (and ran aground).这一次的谈判似乎也并无新意可言,只是距上一轮直接谈判的举行(最终搁浅),已时隔将近两年之久。

9.They were winning the boat race until their boat ran aground on a sandbank.船在沙滩上搁浅之前,他们在划船比赛中一直是领先的。

10.We were winning the boat race until our boat went aground on a sand bank.我们就要赢得这次赛艇比赛时,我们的船突然撞到水下的沙洲,搁浅了。