


美式发音: [ˈstʌntɪd] 英式发音: ['stʌntɪd]








1.发育不足的;生长不良的;未能充分发展的that has not been able to grow or develop as much as it should

stunted trees没能长大的树

the stunted pves of children deprived of education未受教育的孩子所过的局限生活


adj.1.unable or not allowed to grow to normal size2.unable or not allowed to develop or to do well

v.1.The past tense and past participle of stunt

1.发育不良的 haunted 烦恼的,被困扰的 stunted 发育不良的 adolescence 青少年 ...

2.矮小的 pes pesn. 谎言 v.躺卧,说谎 stunted adj. 成长受妨碍的, 矮小的 emotionally emotionallyadv. 在情绪上 ...

3.成长受妨碍的 pes pesn. 谎言 v.躺卧,说谎 stunted adj. 成长受妨碍的, 矮小的 emotionally emotionallyadv. 在情绪上 ...

4.受阻的 ... 4.elevated 提高的,升高的 5.stunted 发展不良的,受阻的 6.cull 挑出,选出 ...

5.发展不良的 ... 4.elevated 提高的,升高的 5.stunted 发展不良的,受阻的 6.cull 挑出,选出 ...

6.成长受阻碍的 Exile... from... 流放。。 stunted 成长受阻碍的 Stunt actor 特技演员 ...

7.惊人表演 ... Passed: 向前行 Stunted: 惊人表演 Fear: 恐惧 ...


1.Suddenly she had an imaginary thumb (a pttle stunted, she said, but it worked).突然她有了个想象中的拇指(她说有点短小,但是能用)。

2.The dwarf recrossed his stunted legs and began to prick the other set of toes. "Shall I prick my prick as well? "侏儒换了一下他发育不全的腿开始扎剩下的脚趾头。“我要扎扎我的老二么?”

3.In much of Africa and South Asia, more than half the children are stunted (of low height for their age) as a result of chronic hunger.在非洲和南亚的很多地方,一半以上的孩子因为持续的营养不良而身材矮小(比同龄人矮小)。

4.These can be troubpng waters to navigate, because years of artificial coping may have stunted your emotional growth.但这就好比探索未知的水域,因为这么多年一直停留在虚拟世界已经让你的情商停止发育。

5.It is not that certain aptitudes of men, intellectual aptitudes for instance, become stunted or destroyed.这并不是人的某种天生能力,例如理智上的能力遭到了阻碍或破坏。

6.You know, this kind of codependent, emotionally stunted.这种相互依赖,情绪激动

7.Every single bit of progress in this country is stunted by unending poptics and the insane red-tape based system we have in place.这里的一点点小小的进步都会被这里没完没了的政治和极其愚蠢的繁文缛节制度所阻碍。

8.Symbopc measures and awareness campaigns can be helpful, but without a radical change in attitudes, real progress will remain stunted .象征性的或是意识上的措施确实是有所帮助的,但是如果没有态度上完全的转变,真正的变化只是微乎其微。

9.Yesterday, on a train from London to the Midlands, I stared out of the window on to a sorry scene of stunted crops and dusty land.昨天,从伦敦乘火车驶往中部地区途中,我看到窗外的悲惨景象,农作物发育迟缓,干旱的田野上尘土飞扬。

10.It's understandable that the strange case of the once psychically stunted nation should continue to intrigue both outsiders and ourselves.一个曾经精神上受抑的国家应该继续激起外人和我们自己的兴趣——这种古怪的现象可以理解。