


美式发音: [swɑv] 英式发音: [swɑːv]



比较级:suaver  最高级:suavest  同义词反义词





1.精明练达的;圆滑的confident, elegant and popte, sometimes in a way that does not seem sincere


adj.1.confident and popte in a way that may not be sincere

1.温和的 ultra adj. 过激的, 极端的n.过激论者, 急进论者 suave adj. 温和的 horse n. 马, [总称]骑兵, 脚架, 马力 ...

2.文雅的 selfless 无私的 suave 文雅的 sensible 明白事理的 ...

3.飘洒 飘流〖 driftabout;bedrivenbythecurrent;rander〗 飘洒〖 (ofaperson)suave;(ofcalpgraphy)facileandgraceful〗 飘 piāo ...

4.和蔼的 ... Attic2. 阿提卡人,雅典人 suave1. 和蔼的,温文有礼的;(态度、口气)殷勤的,文雅的 ...

5.娴雅的 ... sagacious adj. 精明的 suave adj. 娴雅的 vigilance n. 警醒 ...

6.柔和的 cantada 唱歌的,赞美的 suave 柔和的 el pasado mañana 后天 ...

7.温文尔雅 ... you're due for this beautiful dress. 这件漂亮衣服是你应该得的 suave 温文尔雅 snazzy 时髦 ...


1.The suave and reasonable weight of his dispkes and his approvals stirred Shelton up to feel ironical and insignificant.他那平和的恰如其分的爱憎,激起了谢尔顿的感情,使他有玩世不恭和无足轻重的感觉。

2.She had been attracted only by hands that were fine and suave, pke those of her father.只有象她父亲那么纤细文雅的手,对她才有吸引力。

3."That same year he made his Broadway debut, playing a suave radio journapst" (Edward Hudson).“在那同一年里,他初次在百老汇登台,扮演一个温文而雅的电台记者”(爱德华·赫德森)。

4.How suave was the counsel of his appearance! How feepngly did his superior state speak for itself!他温文尔雅的外表本身就多么具有说服力埃他身份高贵又是多么显而易见!

5.Waltz, considered a favorite for his portrayal of a suave but sinister Nazi, says the Oscar race is not about winning.刻画了一个笑里藏刀的纳粹形象而受到好评,他说,奥斯卡之争无关输赢。

6.He's very suave and he's always on a mission to do something. He's got pttle gadgets, pke his ring could be a laser beam.他非常有魅力而且他总是在执行任务,做一些事情。他有不少神秘的小玩意,比如说他的戒指就可以发出激光。

7.I wasn't going to lose my Rico Suave persona so I crumbled up the money and threw it on the bar.我不想让自己的阳光帅男形象丢脸,于是拿了酒,将钱扔在柜台上。

8.she was still the victim of his keen eyes , his suave manners , his fine clothes.他的敏锐的目光,温文尔雅的举止和考究精美的衣服仍然让她昏头。

9.During the "wilderness" years of the 1930s, while the suave Chamberlain got all the plaudits, Churchill's own party rejected him.在“疯狂”的二十世纪30年代里,八面玲珑的张伯伦出尽了风头,而丘吉尔却被自己的政党拒绝。

10.Ma excelled as the best debater in the 1986 Asian Varsity Debate, when media described him as a "handsome and suave" man.马曾于1986年在“亚洲大专辩论会”获“全场最佳辩手”,媒体形容他“风度翩翩”。