


美式发音: [səkˈsidɪŋ] 英式发音: [səkˈsiːdɪŋ]








adj.1网址被屏蔽ing after something else

v.1.The present participle of succeed

1.随后的 Epoxy resin 环氧树脂 Succeeding 以后的,随后的 Differentiate 求。的微分 ...

2.以后的 Epoxy resin 环氧树脂 Succeeding 以后的,随后的 Differentiate 求。的微分 ...

3.继承 epcit 激 起 B. succeeding 继承 成 功继续 C. successive 继续的连续的 ...

4.成功保证劳动强度,而是通过变革实现少人化 下篇 成本减半的成功保证(Succeeding)   第九章 不仅要看到数字,还要精於理解     不仅要 …

5.继承成功继续 epcit 激起 B. succeeding 继承成功继续 C. successive 继续的连续的 ...

6.下一 ... studying 研究 succeeding 下一 survived 幸存, 生还 ...

7.后继的传十章之 - 帮父亲圆梦部落格 -... ... great 高贵的。 succeeding 后继的。 ordinary 通常的, 平常的。 ...

8.传承 ... 缘起 Origin 传承 Succeeding 修行与推广 Popularize ...


1.So far Germany is trying to have it both ways, and succeeding only in getting everyone deeper into the mire.目前为止德国正努力做好这两方面,但结果是让每个人陷入更深的泥沼。

2.And the mobile phone will become the fifth media succeeding the fourth, turning it a new round of hot field for research and apppcation.手机有望成为继第四媒体之后的第五媒体,成为新一轮的研究和应用热点。

3.If your boss wants you to improve your performance, ask if you can talk again in a few weeks to see if you're succeeding.如果你的老板希望你提高工作表现,那么问一问能否在几周后再谈,看看是否到那时你的工作表现提高了没有。

4.She was anxious the next day when he was sullen again, but the next night, and on each succeeding night, the dusk worked its spell .第二天当他又变得郁郁寡欢时,他很着急。但第三天以及随后的每天傍晚,暮色发挥了神奇的力量。

5.The scape is the first or basal segment of the antenna and is often conspicuously longer than any of the succeeding segments.柄节是触角的第一节或基节,通常明显地比以后其它各节都长。

6.The key to succeeding in tournament play is being able to handle the ups and downs, because it's not always going to go perfectly.在锦标赛中取胜的关键在于能掌控资金的起伏,因为它并不总是进行的很完美。

7.The new power-sharing agreement has much more chance of succeeding than the old one, precisely because Mr Paisley has signed up to it.正因为佩斯利已经签署了新的分权协议,新协议与过去的那份相比更有胜算。

8.If an entry is defined not to have children, the next physically succeeding entry is the sibpng of the prior entry.如果条目被定义为不包含子条目,那么下一个条目就会成为前一个条目的兄弟条目。

9.It was almost a temptation one moment, and the succeeding moment it became a terror. He was in a panic at the thought of it.这念头一时成了一个诱惑,可随之却使他恐怖了,慌乱了。

10.I hoped to God he would be careful if he did, and still, I wouldn't have bet money on his chances of succeeding.我只能祈祷上帝,让他谨慎行事,但是我不会把赌注押在他身上。