

frequency of occurrence

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1.Financial crisis are the hot topics now, become a household at the dinner table the highest frequency of occurrence of the word.金融危机是现在的热门话题,成为家家户户在饭桌上出现频率最高的词。

2.The frequency of occurrence of these structures can be used to characterize texture.发生的频率,这些结构可用于表征纹理。

3.With the rapid development of the international capital market, insider trading is now taking extraordinary frequency of occurrence.在资本市场迅速发展之际,内幕交易也正以超乎寻常的频率发生。

4.an arrangement of values of a variable showing their observed or theoretical frequency of occurrence.根据变数数值的理论或观察中出现频率的一种排列。

5.Practice is the Chinese economy since the reform and opening up the highest frequency of occurrence of a word.接轨是中国经济改革开放以来出现频率最高的一个词。

6.Orthopaedic disorders are arranged according to age of onset and also according to their frequency of occurrence.矫形的混乱被根据进攻的年龄以及根据他们的事件的频率安排。

7.The frequency of occurrence and the influence of financial crisis are increasing with the deepening of globapzation and interdependence.随着全球化的不断深入以及相互依赖的加深,金融危机发生的频率越来越高,产生的影响也越来越大。

8.The MSCT sign, changes by the sacroipac joint coarse, fuzzy, is corroded the frequency of occurrence to be highest, 68. 1%.多层螺旋CT征象,以骶髂关节变毛糙、模糊、受侵蚀出现率最高,68.1%;

9.The frequency of occurrence of a query word or phrase relative to other words in the index.查询词语或短语相对于索引中其它词语出现的频率。

10.Marine areas: serious pollution manifested in the increased frequency of occurrence of red tide and flooding in these areas.海洋方面:污染严重表现在赤潮发生频率增加及泛滥范围扩大。