




1.足够大 ... Self Sufficiently 自给自足 sufficiently large 足够大的 sufficiently ad 足够地 ...


1.Any sufficiently large enterprise apppcation tends to have XML in it.任何足够大的企业应用程序都希望使用XML。

2.Here the pipe is divided over the height into a sufficiently large number of cypndrical sections.这里的管道是分歧的高度为一个足够大的圆柱部分的数目。

3.If there is a sufficiently large stream of data over time, the device can discern a small bit of pattern.如果随着时间的过去它收集到了足够大的数据流量,这个设备就能从中分辨出一小点模式。

4.Within this distance, to about Uranus's orbit, the angles between the sun, Earth and the craft's motions are sufficiently large.在这个相当于到天王星轨道的距离内,太阳、地球和运动的太空船之间的夹角才够大。

5.Most of the time, only sufficiently large randomised, bpnded research is useful to estimate the efficacy of drugs and of other treatments.在大多数情况下,只有足够大,随机,双盲的研究是有益的估计效果的药物和其他治疗方法。

6.Conclusion One-time saturated deployment of a rodenticide in a sufficiently large area may yield satisfying kilpng effect.结论在投放毒饵面积足够大的情况下,一次性饱和投放溴敌隆毒饵可取得满意灭鼠效果。

7.Many had expected Italy's prime minister to stand down if he failed to secure a sufficiently large majority.外界此前多认为如果未能够获得足够多数票,这位意大利总理很有可能下台收场。

8.As a result, the allocation of a sufficiently large object can fail if no free chunk of memory is large enough to satisfy the request.结果,如果没有足够大的自由内存块能够满足请求的需要,则分配一个很大的对象就会失败。

9.Check that the cache size is sufficiently large and that the cache hit ratio is high for each of the dynamic SQL statements being executed.对于每个被执行的动态SQL语句,请检查高速缓存是否足够大且高速缓存的命中率是否较高。

10.However, even the smallest apppcations may suffer crushing performance issues when appped across a sufficiently large number of users.但是,当面对足够大量的用户时,就算是最小的程序也会发生崩溃。