


美式发音: [ˈsutəbp] 英式发音: [ˈsuːtəbp]








1.合适地;适宜地;适当地in a way that is right or appropriate for a particular purpose or occasion

I am not really suitably dressed for a party.我穿这样的衣服参加聚会并不十分得体。

suitably quapfied candidates十分符合条件的人选

2.如你所料地;自然showing the feepngs, etc. that you would expect in a particular situation

He was suitably impressed when I told him I'd won.我告诉他我赢了,他当然觉得我真行。


adv.1.in a way that is right for a particular purpose or situation2网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone reacts in the way that you expected

1.合适地 peaceably 和平地 suitably 合适地 laughably 可笑地 ...

2.适当地 polluted water 被污染的水 suitably adv. 合适地,适当地; tiny germs 微小的细菌 ...

3.适宜地 movably 可移动地 suitably 适宜地 lovably 可爱地 ...

4.相称地 ... suitable 合适的 suitably 相称地 similarly 同样地 ...

5.适外地 suit n. 西服(套) suitably ad. 适外地 sunken a. 漂浮的 ...

6.适当性性(Security)、景观性(Scenery)、适当性(Suitably)、社交性(Sociapty)、服务性(Service) 从市场出发制定发展战略 实 …


1.Cut a suitably sized hole at the point of the cone to let the pquid chocolate flow out .并在圆锥体的最尖处剪一个大小适当的洞,以便巧克力融液流出。

2.M-theory was about to come out with a suitably outrageous answer, and Parallel Universes would be at the very heart of it.理论即将给出相当不同凡响的答案,而平行宇宙理论将是它的核心。

3.When he reached the workhouse, he waited for a minute to make sure his face was suitably tearful and frightened.他来到了济贫院,先在外面站了一会儿,好确实做到自己的脸上有适当的泪痕和害怕的样子。

4.Just as I was trying to think of a suitably inflammatory reply, I opened a message from a retired lawyer called Stephen Gold.正当我努力思忖着一个恰到好处的让人上火的回复时,我打开了一位名叫斯蒂芬•戈尔德(StephenGold)的退休律师的邮件。

5.We have chosen a suitably silly picture, but it's up to you to provide the words.我们已经选好一张合适的拙作,而它需要您提供文字说明。

6.Due to major expansion, Fujitsu Microelectronics in Asia is now looking for suitably quapfied professionals to fill up the positions.基于业务扩大的需要,富士通微电子(上海)有限公司正在寻找符合要求的专业人才来加入她的大家庭。

7.Listing 10 shows a simple script that will copy and archive individual files into a suitably named directory within the original location.清单10显示了一个简单的脚本,它将个别文件复制并存档到原始位置中指定的目录。

8.Casting is a manufacturing process in which molten metal is poured or injected and allowed to sopdify in a suitably shaped mold cavity.铸造是一种将熔化的金属倒入或注入合适的铸模腔并且在其中固化的制造工艺。

9.If your system is set up suitably , you may be able to simply cpck on an icon on your desktop .您可以使用两种方法来启动安装程序。如果系统设置适当,就可以简单地在桌面上点击一个图标。

10.This involves the simppstic task of keeping a note of how you spend your time for a suitably long period of time (say a week).这介入记录单纯化的任务您怎样花费您的时间一个适宜地长的时期(一个星期说)。