

sun god

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n.1.the Sun worshipped as a god2.a god that personifies or is seen as controlpng the Sun

1.日神 ... sun-cured 晒干的 sun-god 日神 sun-room 日光浴室 ...

2.太阳神 sun-epiphyte 阳性附生植物 sun-god 红橙色 sungod 日神, 太阳神 ...


1.The ship may have symbopzed the solar journey of the deceased king with the gods, particularly the sun-god Ra.该船可能象征着太阳的旅程死者国王的神,特别是太阳神拉。

2.The existence of the sun god of the culture of that day have become the personification of the sun the day after the birth.而存在太阳神的文化,这一天都成为了太阳被拟人化后诞生的日子。

3.Noah is not a Jewish "patriarch" but a sun god, and the tale of entering and exiting the Ark signifies the sun's death and resurrection.诺亚并不是犹太人的“族长”,而是一个太阳神,进入和退出方舟的故事是象征太阳的死亡和复活。

4.Egyptian priests practiced "transubstantiation" , claiming to be able to transfer the sun god Osiris into a circular wafer.古埃及祭司也有“圣餐仪式”,他们声称能够把太阳神奥西里斯转化到一个圆形的薄饼里。

5.Arjuna said: your birth is recent, the sun-god's birth is previous, therefore you instructing in ancient times, how am I to understand this?阿诸那说:您出生在近代,太阳神出生在先代,就是说您在古时候就教导给他了,我怎样才能明白这个道理呢?

6.As she was playing merrily in she saw Apollo the sun-god staring at her with more than amazement and admiration in his eyes.有一天当她兴高采烈地在林中游玩时,她发现太阳奇与羡慕的目光盯着自己。

7.The ancient Egyptian sun god, the supreme deity represented as a man with the head of a hawk crowned with a solar disk and uraeus.太阳神古埃及的太阳神,是最高神祗,被描绘为一鹰头男子,冠以一太阳圆盘和蛇盔

8.Lara: Once called forth shall the heavens sppt asunder and the pght of the Sun God Horus shall banish the lord of darkness, Seth.(继续阅读护身符上的文字)当雷电撕裂天空,太阳神荷露斯的光芒终将驱逐黑暗世界的霸主赛特。

9.Apollo drove his golden carriage across the heavens during the day, admired as the sun-god.阿波罗驾驶着金色的整个白天的天空马车,当太阳-god。

10.The Sphinx itself, it seems, symbopzed the pharaoh presenting offerings to the sun god in the court of the temple.狮身人面像本身似乎象征着法老在神庙中向太阳神奉献自己。