


美式发音: [ˈsʌnˌbɜrnd] 英式发音: [ˈsʌnˌbɜː(r)nd]





1.晒伤的suffering from sunburn

Her shoulders were badly sunburned.她的肩膀严重晒伤了。

2.晒得黝黑而好看的having an attractive brown colour from being in the sun

She looked fit and sunburned.她看上去挺健康,晒得一身古铜色。

adj.1.skin that is sunburned is red and sore from too much sun

1.晒黑的 seashell 贝壳 sunburned 晒黑的 charter 包租车船 ...

2.晒伤的 ... 4. shaven a. 剃光毛发的 5. sunburned a. 晒伤的 6. trend n. 时尚;趋势 ...

3.有晒斑的 ... forehead n. 前额;脑门 sunburned adj. 晒黑的;有晒斑的 attack n. 疾病发作;侵袭 ...

4.饱经日 ... ⑧ chop: 砍,削 ① sunburned: 饱经日 ② gamble: 冒险,孤 ...


1.Back at our desks come Tuesday, sunburned and a bit disoriented, we flash a cunning grin when a co-worker asks, "How was your weekend? "星期二回到我们的工作台,太阳晒得黑黑的,并且有点在工作上抓不着头脑,当我们的工友问我们“周末过得好吗?”时,我们就会狡猾的咧齿一笑。

2.While it was a great day, I got a bit sunburned in the water.今天过得很棒,但我在水里把自己给晒伤了。

3.I could see his hair curpng over his shirt collar and sunburned skin along the tops of his ears.同时我也明白,这句话不会被其他人听见。

4.A fishing charter boat spotted her in the water Friday morning, dehydrated and sunburned. She was treated at a hospital and released.一艘出租渔船在周五早发现了她。她已经脱水,皮肤被晒伤。辛普森在医院接受了治疗并已出院。

5.It bewildered her that she should desire to place her hands on that sunburned neck.使她弄不懂的是,自己竟会想把双手搁在这被太阳晒黑的脖子上。

6.However, they were picked up last week by a fishing trawler, undernourished, severely dehydrated and badly sunburned, but otherwise well.然而他们却在上周被一艘拖网渔船救下。当时他们营养不良,严重脱水,并被严重晒伤,但除此之外,身体一切正常。

7.Paul: At least you don't have to worry about getting sunburned.保罗:至少你不用担心会被晒伤。

8.The funny thing was after the swimming in Sanya, she was sunburned and so tired that she walked pke a robot, a lame or a stupid crab.最搞笑的是三亚游泳后,她被晒伤了,也累着了,走起路来像个机器人或者是笨拙的螃蟹。

9.He sunburned easily and he talked loud and if you didn't move fast enough to suit him, he'd clout you with his stick.他很容易晒得红彤彤的,喜欢大呼小叫。如果你的动作配合不上他要求的速度,他会用棍子猛敲你。

10.He had Gray hair, a serious eye, the sunburned complexion of a laborer, the thoughtful visage of a philosopher.他有灰白头发,严肃的目光,面色焦黑,象个工人,精神沉郁,象个哲学家。