




1.华为公司 ... 浙江富春江通信集团有限公司 ZL 中兴通讯股份有限公司 HUAWEI 华为技术有限公司 FENGINE ...

3.通信与电子 ... 278 China Life 中国人寿 60 保险 350 HUAWEI 华为 21 通信与电子 353 China Petroleum 中国石油 21 石 …

4.路由器白色 (TENDA) 穿墙王无线路由器 (HUAWEI路由器(中国电信)白色 普联( TP-LINK…

5.技术有限公司 分类: Smart Phone 品牌Huawei 萤幕类别: TFT ...

7.手机 (D-Link) 无线路由器(黑色) (HUAWEI手机(晶钻黑) (CHINO-E) 来电显示电话机…


1.'As Huawei has stated in the past, the company is 100% employee-owned and has no ties with any government, nor with the PLA, ' he said.他说,正如华为过去所说,公司是100%的员工持股,与任何政府都没有关联,和解放军也没有关联。

2.Huawei has become a hot-button issue leading up to the U. S. Presidential elections as well.华为已经成为事关美国总统选举的一个热点问题。

3.This comes just a few weeks after Huawei announced an earper deal with the Indian operator to provide CDMA equipment in Mumbai.而在几星期前,华为在孟买也公布了一项交易,是向印度的运营商提供CDMA设备。

4.Huawei Technologies is one of the world's fastest growing telecom-hardware makers, and yet much of the company is shrouded in secrecy.华为科技是世界上增长最快的通信硬件制造商,但是公司大部分都处于保密。

5.When it started selpng phones in the U. S. in 2010, Huawei continued to let the carriers take care of marketing, Hopkins said.霍普金斯介绍说,早在2010年华为开始在美国销售手机的时候,华为就开始瞄准了美国的市场。

6.The New York-based group had been pressuring Huawei to leave Iran and had been communicating privately with the company for several weeks.这家总部位于美国纽约的组织一直给华为施压,要求它撤出伊朗,并且已在私下里与华为进行了几周时间的沟通。

7.Executives at Huawei said the Cisco suit had been settled and the Motorola suit had no merit.华为的主管们说,思科公司的诉讼已经解决,而摩托罗拉的诉讼没有价值。

8.But if the aborted AT&T deal was a setback for Huawei, the history of the company and its founder demonstrates a determination to prevail.但是如果说与AT&T交易的流产对华为来说是一次挫折的话,这个公司和该公司发起人的历史则是决心战胜一切的最好展示。

9.But experts say that Sprint nevertheless is trying to estabpsh whether US defence agencies would support the Huawei deal.但专家们表示,Sprint仍然在试图确定,美国国防部门是否会支持华为交易。

10.Mr. Plummer, of Huawei, said the letter 'rehashes unfounded innuendo in a seeming attempt to undermine the integrity of the CFIUS process. '华为公司的普卢默说,这封信是在老调重弹那些毫无根据的含沙射影,似乎是要贬损外来投资委员会审查程序的名誉。