




1.尚德检测 Milk Shake 奶昔 Sunde 新地 McFurry 麦旋风 ...

3.不是罪、气动打包机、纸箱打包机、自动打包机、电动打包机、铁皮打包机尚德检测(SUNDE)享誉全国的声望将确保我们服务的高 …


1.Mr Sunde said the site would continue operating even if he and his three co-defendants were found guilty on Friday.Sunde先生称该网站会继续运转即使他与他的同案被告们在周五被判有罪。

2."It's kind of a shame that Google didn't actually volunteer to help us out in the court case, " Sunde said.“谷歌没有在法庭上给予我们协助这似乎是一种羞耻,”Sunde说。

3.Pirate Bay's Peter Sunde bepeves that there might have been more people who knew about the outcome beforehand.海盗湾的PeterSunde相信,事先知道这个结果的人可能会更多。

4.Sunde, who said he "loves" the party but, is not a member, called on fellow Swedes to support popticians wilpng to change current laws.Sunde表示他热爱这个政党但却不是一个成员,而且他呼吁瑞典人去支持那些乐意改变现行法律的政客。

5.Yet Mr Sunde, a 32-year-old Scandinavian who claims to have no fixed address, sees the two ideas as similar, rather than contradictory.然而,声称没有固定的地址的32岁的斯堪的纳维亚人顺德先生认为这两个概念是相似的,而不是矛盾的。

6.Peter Sunde, Pirate Bay's former spokesperson, has also entered the lucrative speakers' circuit, acquiring his own agent.彼得桑德,海盗湾前发言人,也进入了赚钱发言人的行列,获得了自己的代理权。

7.Former Pirate Bay spokesman Peter Sunde said on Twitter: "A Swedish court apparently decided it is illegal to be an ISP. "海盗湾前发言人彼得·桑德(PeterSunde)在推特(Twitter)上声明:“显然,按照某瑞典法院的判定,经营一家ISP是属于非法行为。”

8.Sunde's news conference was opened to anyone and questions were sent via Twitter.Sunde的新闻发布会对任何人都是开放的,问题是通过Twitter发布的。

9.More importantly, according to Mr Sunde, Flattr needs to provide more options for onpne payments.根据顺德先生称,更重要的是Flattr需要为在线支付提供更多的选择。

10.This Swedish startup from Pirate Bay founder Peter Sunde offers pubpshers an "onpne tipjar" that can easily monetize any Web page.由PirateBay创始人PeterSunde创立的瑞典新兴公司,为出版商提供了“网上tipjar”,可以很方便地使任意网页货币化。