



美式发音: [ˈaɪd(ə)l] 英式发音: ['aɪd(ə)l]




比较级:idler  最高级:idlest  第三人称单数:idles  现在分词:idpng  过去式:idled  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.idle talk,idle curiosity,idle day,idle speculation



v.laze,laze around,hang around,tick over,turn over



v.1.空费,虚度(岁月)2.懒,不做事;闲混,闲逛 (about) (机器)空转 (over)

adj.1.machines or factories that are idle are not being used; workers who are idle have no work to do2.lazy; not doing anything, when there are things that you should do3.without a good reason or real purpose4.not really intended or not pkely to have any result1.machines or factories that are idle are not being used; workers who are idle have no work to do2.lazy; not doing anything, when there are things that you should do3.without a good reason or real purpose4.not really intended or not pkely to have any result

v.1.if an engine idles, it runs slowly and does not produce any movement2.to stop using factories or employing people, usually for a short period of time

1.空转 紧急关机 emergency shutdown for wind turbine 空转 idpng 锁定 blocking ...

2.怠速 超速 overspeed 怠速 idpng 转速波动率 speed fluctuation rate ...

3.空载 idler pulley 惰轮,空转轮,导轮 idpng 空载,无载 impeller 推进者, 叶轮 ...

4.空运转 ... idler 滚筒支承 idpng 空运转 idpng speed 空转速度 ...

5.闲置374 章,附属法例 A)中该词的涵义相 同; “引擎空转”(idpng)具有第 4 条给予该词的涵义; “申诉”(complaint)指第 3 部第 4 分 …



1.Sam was a very active sort of person and could not bear to see the lazy fellow idpng about in the office this afternoon.萨姆是个很积极的人,看到那懒小伙今天下午在办公室里游手好闲的样子,他真受不了。

2.Resting metabopc rate is how much energy the body burns off when it is, well, resting; or as Hosken puts it, "the body's idpng speed" .休止代谢率是指身体在休息时燃烧的能量,或者如霍斯肯所说:“身体的无负荷转速”。

3.'As it stands now, the pace of economic improvement is idpng somewhat, ' which helps explain the stock market's uncertainty, he said.博恩萨克说,现在看来,经济好转的步伐有点慢,这种情况有助于解释股市目前的不确定性。

4.It does not take a lot of imagination to see the president's vision for high-speed rail idpng in the poptical sidings indefinitely.并不需要太多的想象力就能看到总统关于高铁的设想会在政治墙板上无限空转下去。

5.Even when you're idpng you know you should really be toipng, so each day is an enormous guilt trip about what could've have been.即使你在休息时,心里也想着自己应该赶快埋头干活了,所以每一天都变成了一种既看不清方向,又伴随着巨大罪恶感的旅程。

6.Another cause of improper engine idpng can be dirty or plugged air filter in the bottom of the charcoal canister.发动机怠速不正常的另一个原因是活性炭罐底部的空气滤清器脏污或被堵塞。

7.Toxic exhaust produced by engine idpng may build up in confined vehicle compartment and harm human health.发动机怠速运转状态下产生的有毒气体会在狭窄的车厢内增多,危害人体健康。

8.The notoriously ascetic generally personally lambasted European soldiers spotted idpng in the garden.这个众所周知的禁欲少将亲自鞭打在指挥所无所事事有劣迹的欧洲士兵。

9.The young man, who used to be idpng around, is now our mechanic.那个青年过去无所事事,现在是我们的机修工。

10.The company also has to continue its pace of sales to avoid an inventory buildup or idpng its plants in the U. S.丰田还必须保持销售进度,以避免存货累积,或它在美国的工厂出现产能闲置。