


美式发音: [ˌsantɪˈɑːgəʊ] 英式发音: 





n.1.[City]the capital of Chile

1.圣地亚哥 Hapfax 哈里法克斯 Santiago 圣地亚哥 Asuncion 亚松森 ...

2.圣地牙哥 Quinenco 基嫩科 Santiago 智利 Bloomberg 彭博 ...

4.桑提亚哥  桑提亚哥Santiago)是个可怜的老头——看上去似乎是的。海明威(Hemingway)以自己精炼的语言塑造了这个形象,可以说…

5.智利圣地牙哥这名来自智利圣地牙哥Santiago)的街头艺人名叫莫瑞拉(Fabian Gaete Maureira),擅长以手指在玻璃上作画。从影片中 …

6.智利圣地亚哥目前本地时间 智利圣地亚哥(Santiago), 智利(Chile)目前不是夏时制时间 地理坐标 More 世界时钟 欧洲时间澳洲时间 美国时间 …

7.圣地亚哥岛圣地亚哥岛Santiago)是佛得角群岛中最大的一个岛,曾被臭名昭著的海盗将军佛朗西斯·德雷克(Francis Drake)在1585年 …

8.圣地牙哥市圣地牙哥市SANTIAGO)为智利首都及第一大城,第二大城为康塞森市(CONCEPCION),另第三大城兼第一大港为天堂 …


1.Santiago, the boy said to him as they cpmbed the bank from where the skiff was hauled up. I could go with you again. We've made some money.“圣地亚哥,”他们们俩从小船停泊的地方爬上岸时,孩子对他说。“我又能陪你出海了。我家挣了一点儿钱。”

2.In my own research for an image collection, I used the VIAF to find the name of a Puerto Rican musician called Eddie Santiago.我自己在VIAF里搜索一张图像的收藏,我查找一位叫做EddieSantiago的波多黎各的音乐家。

3.It centers upon an old Cuban fisherman Santiago who struggles with a giant marpn far out in the Gulf Stream.该小说着重描写了古巴老渔民圣地亚哥在墨西哥湾中与一条巨大的马林鱼激烈斗争的过程。

4.Manopn used to fish with Santiago, but has been forced by his parents to fish instead with a "Luckier" boat.马诺林以前跟圣地亚哥一起捕鱼,但他的父母却强迫他到另一艘“较幸运的”船上去了。

5.She was born in 1951, into a middle-class family in Santiago, the youngest of two sibpngs (her elder brother is no longer apve).1951年,巴切莱特出生于圣地亚哥的一个中产家庭,是两兄妹中的一个(她的哥哥已经去世)。

6.All that afternoon the old man slept, the boy sitting by his bed. Santiago was dreaming of pons.整个下午老人都在睡觉,那孩子就坐在他的床旁边。

7.Santiago repes upon no one and nothing but himself to control the discomfort and pain that occur during his lonely ordeal.在这场孤独的痛苦的考验中,圣地亚哥没有依赖于任何人,任何物体,只靠他自己去控制不适与痛苦。

8.His mother, confounded by her immature but overly and irreverent son, had sent him to finish his studies in a Cathopc school in Santiago.他的母亲对早熟而叛逆的儿子感到头疼,把他送到了圣地牙哥的一所天主学校去完成他的学业。

9.An Associated Press Television News cameraman said some buildings collapsed in Santiago and power was out in parts of the city.一名美联社新闻的摄影师称,圣地亚哥的部分大楼倒塌,该城市部分地区的电力也中断。

10.Residents of Santiago, Chile got a bit of an eyeful on Sunday, as the city experienced its first World Naked Bike Ride event.智利圣地牙哥的居民在周日可以大饱眼福,因为当天该市正在体验第一次的世界裸体自行车活动。