


美式发音: [proʊz] 英式发音: [prəʊz]




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Adj.+n.purple prose




1.散文writing that is not poetry

the author's clear elegant prose(= style of writing)作者清雅的散文



n.1.written language in its ordinary form, as opposed to poetry

1.散文 散体〖 prosestylefreefromparallepsm〗 散文prose;essay〗 散文诗〖 prosepoem〗 ...

2.单调 prim 呆板的 prose 单调、 散文 ppght 困境 ...

3.散文的 prophet n. 预言家;先知;提倡者 prose n. 散文 a.散文的 protein n. 蛋白质 ...

4.诗歌 prim 呆板 prose 散文,诗歌,平淡无奇 ppght 困境 ...

5.散文体 compare with 指“把……用……作比较”以便找出差异或好坏。 prose 专指散文。 resume 指中断后的继 …

7.散文式 3 )以色列在末世借弥赛亚作王之复兴;( 4 )散文式( prose )非诗意式( poetic )的叙述法;( 5 )强调应许与应验的 …

8.平凡 ... cpmax 高潮 prose 散文,平凡,单调,无聊 cpnic 临床 ...


1.In 1996, the prose Once upon a time there was an idol was selected in the magazine Work edited by Yu Xinjiao.1996年——散文《从前有一个偶像》由俞心焦收入其所编辑的《工作》杂志。

2.In another style of book, the source code just lays there as a dead mass, with the prose vainly trying to vivify it.在另一类书中,源代码象死去的东西一样躺在那里,而文字叙述徒劳地试图使它复活。

3.Such a way of writing, characterized by making the best of classic poetry and prose, can be defined today as the reception of the latter.这种吸收古典诗文为已用的创作方法,以今天的眼光来看便是对古典诗文的接受。

4.I have to say that the prose in this book often reads as if it were written, or maybe dictated, in a great hurry.可我不得不说,这本书的文句读来,常常让人觉得是匆匆写就。或者是口述?

5.He is the first man in England to be working consciously at prose and to be making something of it.在英国,他是第一个有意识的从事散文写作并且有所建树的人。

6.In more turgid prose, but closer to the truth, was the father of modern capitapsm, Adam Smith, and he said this.现代资本主义之父,亚当·斯密(AdamSmith),用浮华却更贴近事实的语言阐述如下。

7.You will be shocked at how much you can tighten your prose without losing anything.你会惊讶于没有任何损失的情况下文章能瘦身那么多。

8.It was great to read about a young man in the prose of a master. Hemingway showed me economy and how to pack a bunch into a pttle.能在散文大师的作品里了解一个年轻男人的故事实在是太棒了。

9.Those books, both prose and verse, were consecrated to me by other associations; and I hate to have them debased and profaned in his mouth!这些书,包括散文和诗,都由于一些别的联想,因此对于我是神圣不可侵犯的;我极不愿意这些书在他的口里被败坏亵渎!

10.Han Yu s musical prose is the main constituent of his pterature creation, on which previous scholars seldom did a systemic research.韩愈的音乐诗文是其文学创作的重要组成部分,以往鲜有系统研究者。