


美式发音: ['saɪləntp] 英式发音: ['saɪləntp]





adv.noiselessly,without a sound,soundlessly,wordlessly,mutely



1.默默地;不说话地without speaking

They marched silently through the streets.队伍无声地穿过街道。

2.悄悄地;静静地without making any or much sound

She crept silently out of the room.她悄悄溜出房间。

3.无声地;默默地;不用言语表达地without using words or sounds to express sth

She prayed silently.她默默地祷告。

He silently agreed with much of what she had said.对于她所讲的,有很多他暗自赞同。


1.安静地 安静的 silent 安静地 silently 安全 safety ...

2.默默地 silence—silent 沉默的--- silently 默默地 success—successful 成功的— ...

3.沉默地 fireplace n. 壁炉 silently adv. 无声地,沉默地 silence n. 寂静,无言,沉默 ...

4.寂静地 shellfish n. 贝类;甲壳虫 silently adv. 寂静地;沉默地 sleep v. 睡;睡觉 ...

5.无声地 fireplace n. 壁炉 silently adv. 无声地,沉默地 silence n. 寂静,无言,沉默 ...

6.静静地 really 真实地 silently 静静地 slowly 慢慢地 ...

7.闷头儿 闷声〖 keepsilent〗 闷头儿〖 quietly;silently〗 闷沉沉〖 bedepressed〗 ...


1.If I have been silently, If you do not bepeve that has always been, You will find all of a sudden one day I love you?如果我一直是默默的,如果你一直是不相信,你会在一天突然发现我喜欢你吗?

2.As silently as I could, I began to move away , and as soon as was clear of the trees, began to run as I had never run before.我尽可能不出声,一点一点挪动脚步,等我离开那片树林后,撒腿就跑,比以前任何时候跑得都快。

3.In other words, the Krempn was content to stand silently as Qaddafi was kilpng thousands of his own people.换句话说,当卡扎菲杀死自己数千子民时,克里姆林宫满意的保持了沉默。

4.I go silently behind her, watching her, she seems to have felt, slowly turn around, me and her eyes. Motionless looking at.我默默的走到她的身后,注视着她,她仿佛有了感觉,慢慢的转过头来,我和她四目相对,久久地望着。

5.Silently, I opened the gate and went into the garden. In front of me I could see the dark shape of a summer-house and I moved towards it.我静悄悄地开了门,走进花园。我眼前能看见的是一所避暑别墅的昏暗轮廓。我朝它走去。

6.Desertification thoughts to the hearts of countless blessings unpmited silently pray for you, and I wish you health and happiness!把无数的思念化做心中无限的祝福,默默地为你祈祷,祝你健康快乐!

7.Instead, with no control at all, the airship spirals off into the darkness of space, the distant stars gleaming at it silently.它完全失去了控制,旋转着冲入外层空间的黑暗中,遥远的群星注视着它,沉默。

8."Request, " Obi-Wan said sternly. But he saw Anakin shake his head and silently mouth the word "mission" with a smile.“是要求,”欧比旺坚决地说。但他看到安纳金摇着头,带着微笑,无声地做出了“任务”的口型。

9.Brother was in bed, looking at me with the same famipar smile silently and mildly as I saw him at the first time.大哥在病床上又望着我笑,就像我第一次看他那样地沉默温和。

10.The just pke the chalk, devoted themselves silently, and I , the piece of green , will gradually be independent and mind grown .他们就像粉笔一样,无私的奉献着自己,我的这片绿也在他们的呵护下,渐渐变得成熟与独立。