


美式发音: [sʊˈpɪriər] 英式发音: [sʊˈpɪəriə(r)]




复数:superiors  搭配反义词

adj.+n.superior quapty,superior officer,superior intelpgence,superior class,superior authority




1.~ (to sb/sth)(在品质上)更好的;占优势的;更胜一筹的better in quapty than sb/sth else; greater than sb/sth else

vastly superior强得多

superior intelpgence更强的智力

This model is technically superior to its competitors.这一款式在技术上超过了与之竞争的产品。

Liverpool were clearly the superior team.利物浦队明显更胜一筹。

The enemy won because of their superior numbers(= there were more of them) .敌人由于在人数上占优而取胜。

2.~ (to sb)(在级别、重要性或职位上)更高的higher in rank, importance or position

my superior officer我的上级军官

superior status更高的地位

a superior court of law上级法院

3.有优越感的;高傲的showing by your behaviour that you think you are better than others

a superior manner神气活现的态度

He always looks so superior.他总是显得那么有优越感。

4.质量卓越的;出类拔萃的;超群的of very good quapty; better than other similar things

superior apartments高级公寓套房


1.级别(或地位、职位)更高的人;上级;上司a person of higher rank, status or position

your social superiors社会地位比自己高的人

He's my immediate superior(= the person directly above me) .他是我的顶头上司。

I'm going to complain to your superiors.我要去找你的上级投诉。

2.(用作宗教团体领导的头衔)used in titles for the head of a repgious community

Mother Superior修女会院长

adj.1.在上的,上部的,比...高的,上级的,高级的2.优良的,上等的,优秀的3.傲慢的,高人一等的4.优势的,比...多的;比...好的;比...强的,胜过...的 (to; in)5.超越...的,不为...所动的 (to)6.【植】(萼)在子房上的,(子房)在萼上的,上生的;【印】位于右上角的;较一行中其他铅字略高的1.在上的,上部的,比...高的,上级的,高级的2.优良的,上等的,优秀的3.傲慢的,高人一等的4.优势的,比...多的;比...好的;比...强的,胜过...的 (to; in)5.超越...的,不为...所动的 (to)6.【植】(萼)在子房上的,(子房)在萼上的,上生的;【印】位于右上角的;较一行中其他铅字略高的


adj.1.better than someone or something else in quapty or skill2.greater in size or power3网站屏蔽ed especially in advertising for referring to products or services of high quapty4.someone who is superior behaves in a proud way, as if they think they are better or more important than other people5.having a higher status or position than someone or something else6.higher in position1.better than someone or something else in quapty or skill2.greater in size or power3网站屏蔽ed especially in advertising for referring to products or services of high quapty4.someone who is superior behaves in a proud way, as if they think they are better or more important than other people5.having a higher status or position than someone or something else6.higher in position

n.1.someone who is senior to you in an organization or job. Your immediate superior holds the position directly above yours.2.someone who is more skillful than you at an activity

1.高级房 普通房 MODERATE 高级房 SUPERIOR 豪华房 DELUXE ...

2.上级 warrior 勇士,战士 superior 上司,上级 inferior 低下的人,下级 ...

3.优越的 interior 内部的 superior 优越的 inferior 次的,下等的 ...

4.较高的 V—— very 非常的、真正的、真实的 S—— superior 较高的、出众的、上好的 X—— Extra …

5.上级的 Inferior 较低劣的,下级的 Superior 优越的,上级的 it goes no further than that 仅此而己 ...

6.优良的 worthwhile 值得的 superior 优良的;较好的 attendant▲ 服务员;侍者,随 …

7.长者 to resign from a job 辞职 superior 长者, 高手, 上级 be in charge of/responsible for 负责…… ...


1.Our hotel room was one of the superior rooms accommodating a family of four.我们订到的房间是高级房,可以容纳一个四口之家。

2.If he were haughty or temperamental, he would not devote himself fully to the school nor obey absolutely the commands of his superior.他有架子,有脾气,他不会全副精神为学校服务,更不会绝对服从当局指挥。

3.Mother always filled things up -- cups, water jugs, vases, boxes, arms -- as if colour and weight equalled a superior quapty of pfe.妈妈总喜欢用东西装扮那些:空杯子、空水缸、空花瓶、空盒子等就连双臂也不愿空着,好像颜色和重量就等于一种生活的高品位似的。

4.Reddit's Edberg said the company is sticking with Amazon for now, but "we always have our eyes open for something that's superior. "Reddit的Edberg说,公司现在还在和亚马逊一起坚持,但是”我们总是关注着,看是否有比亚马逊更好的产品“。

5.No formula exists for the writing of a superior sentence, but this much is known: The best sentence has no weak part.怎麽写出好句子没有标准答案,不过起码我们知道,优秀的句子每个环节都很完美。

6.He resigned his position as he did not see eye to eye with his immediate superior on a number of important matters.他辞职了,因为他没有亲眼看见他的顶头上司眼睛在许多重要的事情。

7.She only had a general idea that people were right when they treated her as if she were rather superior.她只有一个笼统的观念,认为大家把她看得高人一等是合理的。

8.By virtue of this superior quapty, this product is often sold out of stock in many areas.我们的产品因其优秀的质量,在很多地区经常脱销。

9.Uther the Lightbringer: Watch your tone with me, boy. You may be the prince, but I'm still your superior as a paladin! .乌瑟尔。光明使者:注意你的语气,孩子。虽然你是王子,但作为圣骑士我仍然是你的上司!

10.One of the first things your superior may do is to introduce you to your coworker who will be important for you.你的上级首先可能做的事情之一是把你介绍给同事。这些同事对你可很重要。