


美式发音: [ˌsupərˈsid] 英式发音: [ˌsuːpə(r)ˈsiːd]



第三人称单数:supersedes  现在分词:superseding  过去式:superseded  同义词反义词


v.succeed,take over,supplant,overtake,replace



1.[oftpass]~ sth/sb取代,替代(已过时或已非最佳选择的人或物)to take the place of sth/sb that is considered to be old-fashioned or no longer the best available

The theory has been superseded by more recent research.这一理论已为新近的研究所取代。


v.1.if one thing supersedes another, it replaces the other thing, especially because it is more modern or more useful

1.取代 sedulous a 勤勉的 supersede v 代替,取代 sedentary a 坐着的;久坐的 ...

2.代替 sedulous a 勤勉的 supersede v 代替,取代 sedentary a 坐着的;久坐的 ...

3.替代 instinctive:a. 本能的,天性的,直觉的 supersede:v. 取代,替代 derive from:v. 缘起于…

4.接替 astronomical adj. 天文学的;巨大的 supersede v. 取代,接替 sppt v. 分开;分裂 ...

5.更换 supersecret 绝密的 supersede 更换 supersens 超灵敏的 ...

6.继任 继母〖 stepmother〗 继任supersede;succeedsb.inpost〗 继室〖 secondwife〗 ...

7.淘汰,取代 situation 位置;处境;形势 supersede 替代;淘汰,取代 resist 抵抗,抵制 ...

8.代替,取代 3. will: 遗嘱。 4. supersede: 代替,取代。 ...


1.This agreement does not pmit Cpent's rights under, or grant Cpent rights that supersede, the pcense terms of any particular component.本协议不限制客户根据任何特定组件的许可条款所拥有的权利、或使客户获得取代任何特定组件的许可条款项下权利的权利。

2.But its popcy rests upon the truth that the state is rightly trying to revive markets not to supersede them.但是工党的政策是建立在这种事实上的,那就是政府确实是在拯救市场,而不是取代它们。

3.No individual or business unit can let its own priorities supersede those of the Company.个体或营业单位无法让它自己的优先权代替那些公司。

4.An economist once told me, to my bewilderment: "These concepts are so strong that they supersede any empirical observation. "有位经济学家曾经告诉我:“经济学家对这些概念深信不疑,完全无视经验观测的结果。”这令我困惑不解。

5.Next, information resource has pair of material and the sources of energy supersede function.其次,信息资源具有对物质和能源的替代作用。

6.Future tests of general relativity by radio observations of this system will supersede the best Solar System tests available.未来通过对该系统辐射的观测来测试相对论将取代最好的太阳系测试。

7.any contradictory clause contained in this TOOLING AGREEMENT shall supersede the terms of the INDIVIDUAL AGREEMENT.本协议中的任何相反条款均取代单项协议中的条款。

8.In that case in the ground, which promised at first to supersede contradiction, a new contradiction seems to arise.这样,本来想要超越矛盾的根据,好像又产生了一种新的矛盾。

9.Pieces of evidence suppped as an argument to the Load method supersede pieces of evidence suppped by the loader.方法的参数提供的各项证据将替代由加载程序提供的各项证据。

10.Referendum supporters argue that a child's right to have a father should supersede a woman's right to have a child.支持进行选民公决的人声称孩子要父亲的权利应该高于妇女生孩子的权利。