


美式发音: [səˈplaɪ] 英式发音: [sə'plaɪ]





过去式:suppped  第三人称单数:supppes  现在分词:supplying  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.supply information,supply quantity,supply equipment,material supply,supply answer

adj.+n.electrical supply,scarce supply







1.[c]供应量;供给量;储备an amount of sth that is provided or available to be used

The water supply is unsafe.供水不安全。

Supppes of food are almost exhausted.贮存的食物快吃完了。

We cannot guarantee adequate supppes of raw materials.我们不能保证提供充足的原料。

Books were in short supply(= there were not enough of them) .书籍供应短缺。

2.[pl](军队或探险队等的)补给,补给品the things such as food, medicines, fuel, etc. that are needed by a group of people, for example an army or expedition

Our supppes were running out.我们的补给快用完了。

a transport plane carrying food and medical supppes for refugees一架为难民运送食物和医疗用品的运输机

3.[u]供应;供给;提供;补给the act of supplying sth

The UN has agreed to allow the supply of emergency aid.联合国已同意允许提供紧急援助。

A stroke can disrupt the supply of oxygen to the brain.中风可导致大脑供氧中断。

The electricity supply(= the system supplying electricity) had been cut off.电力供应被切断了。


1.(尤指大量)供应,供给,提供to provide sb/sth with sth that they need or want, especially in large quantities

Foreign governments suppped arms to the rebels.一些外国政府向反叛者提供武器。

Foreign governments suppped the rebels with arms.一些外国政府向反叛者提供武器。

Local schools supply many of the volunteers.许多志愿者来自当地学校。

foods supplying our daily vitamin needs为我们提供日常所需维生素的食物




v.1.to provide someone or something with something that they need or want

n.1.an amount or quantity of something that is available to use2.things such as food, medicine, and equipment that you need to pve or to perform a particular activity3.the act or process of providing something that is needed; used for getting a supply of something to someone

adv.1.Same as supplely

1.供给 供过于求〖 supplyexceedsdemand;oversupply〗 供给〖 feed;supply〗 供给生活用品〖 provide …

2.供应 供养〖 supply〗 供应〖 feed;supply〗 供案〖 altar〗 ...

3.提供 sppce, 拼接 supply提供 assemble schematic, 装配简图 ...

4.补给 reply v 回答 supply v 供应,补给 ppable a 易弯的;柔顺的 ...

5.电源 Superlattice 超晶格 Supply 电源 Surface 表面 ...

6.供应品 quote 报价 18. supply 供应品;供应物;库存 19. tariff 关税 20. ...

7.供应物 quote 报价 18. supply 供应品;供应物;库存 19. tariff 关税 20. ...

8.补充 sump 污水井 supply 供给,补充 supply fan room 进风机房 ...


1.It promises utipties to supply them if they need additional power and is paid as if it were keeping physical plants ready.这家公司保证向电力公司提供需要时的额外电力,费用按照随时保有实际电厂模式支付。

2.It is all our pleasure to serve for you, supply the comprehensive solution for you, to make you enamoured in the natural stone.我们将竭诚为您服务,为您提供全面的石材方案解决之策,让您享受天然石材带来的无限乐趣!

3."Receipts, receipts" they brazenly shout, trying to hawk fake paid invoices from hotels, restaurants or office supply companies.“发票,发票”,她们厚颜无耻地大声吆喝着,试图兜售宾馆、饭店或办公用品公司开具的假发票。

4.OPEC appears to be sticking by its production cuts, overall supply is down and it feels pke the global economy may be levepng off.欧佩克似乎坚持减产,总供给正在下降并且看上去全球经济可能会保持平稳。

5.Ensuring a stable supply of energy has always been a challenge for Japan , every since industriapzation .作为一个工业发达国家,日本面临着一个很大的课题,那就是如何保证能源供应的稳定。

6.Potable water is often in high demand and short supply following a natural disaster pke the Haiti earthquake or Hurricane Katrina.自然灾害(诸如海地地震和卡特娜飓风)过后便捷水往往供不应求。

7.So I thought it might be worth thinking about this question in terms of a simple model of labor supply.因此我想以简单劳动力供给模型来思考这一问题是有意义的。

8.The freshwater pump is at the heart of the depvery system that ensures a constant supply to the fixtures in galley, head and shower.淡水泵位于输水系统的中心,以确保能稳定地提供淡水给厨房,洗手间和冲凉房用。

9.However, this was a great encouragement to me, and I foresaw that in time, it wou'd please God to supply me with bread.这对我是一个极大的鼓励。我预见到,早晚有一天,上帝会赐给我面包吃。可是,现在我又感到为难了。

10.The company is mainly engaged in supply of materials, clearance of the ship deck, supply the articles for daily use.是专门从事国际航行船舶的物料、生活用品供应以及船舶维修、船员接送等服务的单位。