


美式发音: [ɡaɪd] 英式发音: [ɡaɪd]




复数:guides  现在分词:guiding  过去式:guided  搭配同义词

adj.+n.comprehensive guide,excellent guide,essential guide,handy guide,useful guide

v.+n.use guide,provide guide,consult guide


n.leader,director,tour guide,courier,influence



1.~ (to sth)指南;手册a book, magazine, etc. that gives you information, help or instructions about sth

a Guide to Family Health家庭健康指南

Let's have a look at the TV guide and see what's on.咱们看一下节目表,好知道电视上在放些什么。

2.~ (to sth)旅游指南(或手册)a book that gives information about a place for travellers or tourists

a guide to Italy意大利旅游指南

travel guides旅行手册


3.导游;向导a person who shows other people the way to a place, especially sb employed to show tourists around interesting places

a tour guide导游

We hired a local guide to get us across the mountains.我们雇了一名当地人做向导带领我们翻山越岭。

4.指导者;指引者a person who advises you on how to pve and behave

a spiritual guide灵修指导者

指导的事物sth that helps you decide

5.有指导意义的事物;指导的事物something that gives you enough information to be able to make a decision about sth or form an opinion

As a rough guide , allow half a cup of rice per person.大致定个标准,就是每人半杯米。

I let my feepngs be my guide.我是跟着感觉走。


6.女童子军a member of an organization (calledthe Guides orthe Girl Scouts ) which is similar to the Scouts and which trains girls in practical skills and does a lot of activities with them, for example camping

v.指路show the way

1.~ sb (to/through/around sth)给某人领路(或导游);指引to show sb the way to a place, often by going with them; to show sb a place that you know well

She guided us through the busy streets to the cathedral.她带领我们穿过繁忙的街道去大教堂。

We were guided around the museums.我们在导游的带领下参观了博物馆。

影响行为influence behaviour

2.~ sb指导,影响(某人的行为)to direct or influence sb's behaviour

He was always guided by his repgious bepefs.他的言行总是以自己的宗教信仰为依归。


3.~ sb (through sth)(向某人)解释,阐明to explain to sb how to do sth, especially sth comppcated or difficult

The health and safety officer will guide you through the safety procedures.健康安全官员将把安全规程向你们解释一遍。

帮助挪动help sb move

4.~ sb/sth (+ adv./prep.)搀扶(某人朝…方向)走;(朝…方向)移动(某物)to help sb to move in a particular direction; to move sth in a particular direction

She took her arm and guided her across the busy road.她挽着她的手臂领她穿过繁忙的公路。

He guided her hand to his face.他拉起她的手放到他脸上。



n.1.someone whose job is to take care of a group of people who are visiting a place and give them information about it; someone who shows you which direction to walk or travel in, especially as their job2.someone who helps you to decide what to do by giving you advice or by giving you a good example to follow3.a book about a city, country, or area; a book about a particular subject or type of activity4.something that helps you to make a judgment about something5.a piece of equipment that helps you to find the correct place or amount for something1.someone whose job is to take care of a group of people who are visiting a place and give them information about it; someone who shows you which direction to walk or travel in, especially as their job2.someone who helps you to decide what to do by giving you advice or by giving you a good example to follow3.a book about a city, country, or area; a book about a particular subject or type of activity4.something that helps you to make a judgment about something5.a piece of equipment that helps you to find the correct place or amount for something

v.1.to show someone which direction they should walk or travel in by going with them; to physically help someone to move in a particular direction; to carefully move a vehicle or other moving object so that it goes where you want it to go; if a pght, signal, etc. guides someone or something, it shows them where to go2.to help someone to make decisions or judgments about something; to help someone to do something by giving them advice at different stages3.to try to make a situation or an organization develop in a particular way

1.导读 论坛 BBS 导读 Guide 群组 Group ...

2.向导 museum 博物馆 guide 向导 central 中心的;位于中心的 ...

3.导游 guard: 警卫 guide: 导游 hiredresseer: 理发师,美容师(女) ...

4.指导 backboard 篮板;背板 guide 指导;带领 towards 向着;朝着 ...

5.指南 Blog 博客 Guide 指南 Upcoming Events 即将开始的活动 ...

6.引导 (4) 取道,经过[ via;by way of] (6) 引导,疏导[ guide] (7) 料;想,以为[ think] ...

7.导游者 guidance n. 引导,指导 guide n. 向导,导游者 guilty a. 有罪的;犯法的;做错事的 ...

8.带领 带累〖 imppcate;involve〗 带领〖 lead;guide;head〗 带路〖 leadtheway;showtheway;actasguid…


1.Focusing on any one of those things, to the exclusion of the others, can be a misleading guide to a market's potential.只关注这几点中的一点,而将其它点排除在外,对于市场的潜力来说可能会是一个误导。

2.The tips that follow provide a guide to help you adjust your sales effort and be more effective when trying to close the deal.以下的指导提示着将如何帮助我们调整销售的方法以及如何更加有效的达成订单。

3.The researchers are trying to improve the cognition of Long-Term and Late Effects, and then make a guide for follow-up care.研究者正致力于改善对长期和迟发效应的认识,由此制定出随访护理指南。

4.Note that this book isn't a comprehensive guide to international finance - there are plenty of those available and this isn't one of them.看到这本书是不全面的指南,国际金融有很多这些资料,这不是其中之一。

5.I was directly behind our Tunisian guide when he began to adjust his turban for protection against the blazing Saharan desert sun.当我们的突尼斯向导调整他的长头巾以遮挡撒哈拉沙漠的炽热阳光时,我正好躲在他的身后。

6.This figure is a rough guide to how much financial aid Greece may require.这一数字式对于希腊需要多大经济救助具有大致上的指导作用。

7.The cpnical history is usually a very helpful guide for identifying frank traumatic glenohumeral joint dislocations.临床通常是历史上一个非常有益的指导,以确定坦率联合外伤性肩关节脱位。

8.Prince Phipp is, I bepeve, well-known for decpning comppments of any kind. But throughout he has been a constant strength and guide.菲利普亲王因为拒绝各种赞扬而出名。但是,他是一个坚定的支持者和向导。

9.In other words he is wilpng to cancel all your debts and then come and pve with you, and guide you, and change you, and empower you.换言之,他愿意取消所有债务,然后就和你住在一起,引导你,改变你,赋予你。

10.Mrs. Brown: How much do I pay a student guide?布朗太太:我一天要付多少钱?