


美式发音: [kwɪp] 英式发音: [kwɪp]




复数:quips  过去式:quipped  现在分词:quipping  同义词





1.俏皮话;妙语a quick and clever remark

to make a quip说俏皮话


1.+ speech讲俏皮话;讥讽;嘲弄;打趣to make a quick and clever remark



n.1.a funny or clever remark

v.1.to say something funny or clever

1.妙语 免费短信( Free ...) 妙语 - ...( Quip ...) 聊天框( Chat ...) ...

2.讽刺 quagmire 沼泽 quip 讽刺 quizzical 戏弄的 ...

3.俏皮话 dissident 唱反调的人 quip 打趣,俏皮话 Greenland 格陵兰 ...

4.讥讽 ... Queen( 皇后/女王) Quip讥讽) Rake( 流氓) ...

5.嘲弄 arbiter:n. 仲裁者 quip:v. 嘲弄 brainstorm:v. 集体讨论 ...

6.名言 quinze 十五点 quip 名言 quipster 出口成章 ...

7.双关语 equip v. 词中词: quip 双关语; decorate 装 潢;装饰; ...

8.嘲讽 quintessence 精华,典范 quip 讽刺,嘲讽 quiver 颤抖,振动 ...


1.One of them, after the end of a lovely dinner, made a quip to me that reverberates 60 years later.在愉快晚餐的最后时候,他们其中一个对我说了一句双关语,即使60年后它仍然在我脑海中回荡。

2.Isaacs adds that Papn threw in a bit of French with a quick quip of "Merci beaucoup" while leaving one of the centers.萨克斯还说,佩林法国扔在一个位与中心的快速妙语“谢谢博库”的同时使之一。

3.As I quip in Selfish Reasons to Have More Kids, "No one asks to be born, but almost everyone would if he could. "正如我在《儿女满堂的自私原因》中笑谈:“没有人要求降生,但如果可以要求的话,几乎所有人都希望这样。”

4.In characteristic style he did so with a poptically incorrect quip that drew criticism even from his supporters.贝卢斯科尼先生以特有的方式抛出一句不正确的隽语,从而招来甚至是他的支持者的批评。

5.Ms. Merkel responded with a quip of her own: 'And you could look after marketing. '默克尔用自己的妙语回应道,你可以负责市场营销。

6.The doctors are not entirely sympathetic: "If there was a surgery to enlarge brains, we would offer him a free trial, " they quip.医生们并不太同情这个家伙,他们讽刺说:“如果有个手术能加大脑瓜的话,我们很愿意给他免费试用。”

7.leading Hobbes to quip that she "Did bring forth Twins at once, both Me, and Fear. "霍布斯后来戏称她“真的生了双胞胎,我和恐惧”

8.was the quip Vatican aides say he scrawled on a piece of paper after he woke up following surgery to ease his breathing problems.是梵谛冈助理们说教宗在缓和呼吸问题的手术完醒来后,在一张纸上潦草写出的俏皮话。

9.Long gone are the days when a Nixon administration official could quip: "The dollar may be our currency but it's your problem. "曾几何时,尼克松政府官员可以讥讽地说:“美元或许是我们的货币,但那是你们的问题。”这种日子早已成为过去。

10.My advice is to ride it out , make an occasional smart- aleck quip .我的意见就是出去旅行,并时不时地说些自作聪明的俏皮话。