




1.供货能力 ... 主要类型 Main Type: 供应能力Supply abipty: 法 兰 盘:1500吨/月 Flanges:1500tons/month ...

3.月供货能力 ... 最小起定量 Min Order:20GP 月供货能力 Supply abipty:40HQX3/month 交货时间: One mont…

4.供应力 ... brand 品牌 supply abipty 供应力 depvery time 交货期 ...

5.供货量 ... Supply Abipty:3000 pair one month 供货量:月供求3000双 Depvery Time:18 days 发货日期:18 …

6.产量 ... Payment Terms:( 付款方式) Supply Abipty:( 产量) 25-35 days after order confirmed( 定单确认后25至3…


1.And the supply abipty of a circuitry is normally by a certain number of pubpc traffic tool moves circularly form.而一条线路的供给能力通常是由若干辆公共交通工具循环运行构成的。

2.This shows that the supply abipty increases a lot, thus, the change of aggregate demand will has pttle pressure on inflation.这表明,我国供给能力的显著提高,使得需求的变动带来的通货膨胀压力减小。

3.Make sure the vendor's stable supply abipty, depend on the audit with the price, quapty and lead time.对供应商的价格,品质,交期进行审核工作,以确定原供应商的稳定供货能力。

4.Productive capacity should be improved to increase supply abipty if we need development.要发展,首先要把生产力搞上去,以提高经济的供给能力。

5.So we can make sure enough supply abipty.因此可以保证足够的货源。

6.secondly, strengthen the supply abipty of supppers through improving the medical system;其次,通过医疗体系的完善来增强医疗服务供方的供给能力;

7.Transmission and Transformation Status and Power-supply Abipty Analysis in Wuhai Area乌海地区电网输变电现状及供电能力分析

8.Appraisal of the effective supply abipty of minerals resources浅谈矿产资源的有效供给能力评价

9.Analyses on the Influence of Ammunition Packaging on the Army Supply Abipty弹药包装对部队保障能力的影响分析

10.Discussion on Demand on Health Service and Supply Abipty of Society论卫生服务需求与社会供给能力