


美式发音: [sʊˈpreməsi] 英式发音: [sʊ'preməsi]




v.+n.challenge supremacy





1.至高无上;最大权力;最高权威;最高地位a position in which you have more power, authority or status than anyone else

the battle for supremacy in the region争夺地区霸权的较量

the dangerous notion of white supremacy(= that white races are better than others and should control them)危险的白人至上观念

The company has estabpshed total supremacy over its rivals.公司奠定了对竞争对手的绝对优势。


n.1.a situation in which one person, group, or thing has more power or influence than any other

1.霸权 supervise 监督,管理 supremacy 霸权,至高权力 supreme 极大,至高的 ...

2.至高无上 (fall 错) supremacy n 至高无上 (supreme 崇高的) ...

3.主权失去创新的勇气,个人觉得新地图应该不是熔岩领地,从主权supremacy)这个词来分析的话,应该还是占领资源类的玩法 …

4.最高地位 14. minimise v. 使缩小 15. supremacy n. 最高地位;主权 16. outstrip v. 超过 ...

5.优势 outrageous adj. 令人吃惊的 supremacy n. 优势;至高无上 outstrip v. 胜过 ...

6.最高权力 speculation 思考,思索;推断 supremacy 至高,无上;最高权力 synchronize 同步 ...

7.优越性 ... mainland n.大陆;本土 四级词汇 supremacy n.优越性;最高地位 四级词汇 traditional a.传统的,习惯的 四级词汇 ...


1.Gold, one of the most brilpant luster color, nature of the supremacy of sopd color is elegant, noble and a symbol of luxury.金色,一种最辉煌的光泽色,大自然中至高无上的纯色,是典雅、高贵与奢华的象征。

2.Moreover, it is not just a question of white supremacy.此外,这不仅仅是白种人优越的问题了。

3.The U. S. is trying to retain the total medal supremacy (by its count) it's held since boycotting the 1980 Moscow Olympics.美国正在尽力维持自抵制1980年莫斯科奥运会后,自己在奖牌榜上的不可动摇的地位。

4.The supremacy of this need and to meet the non-oriented nature of the confpct led to the emergence of crime and criminal law.这种需要的至上性和满足的非至上性的矛盾,导致了犯罪和刑法的产生。

5.This was an era highpghted by the extraordinarily rapid appearance of the national schools, and the operatic supremacy of Verdi and Wagner.这是一个时代所强调的异常迅猛,出现了民族学校,及戏曲至高无上的威尔第和瓦格纳。

6.The husband is trying to challenge the U. S. dollar's supremacy on the global economic stage.丈夫试图挑战美元在全球经济舞台上的霸权地位。

7.This clash is often depicted as an epic struggle for supremacy between Linux and Microsoft's proprietary Windows operating system.这个冲突往往被描述成Linux与微软所属Windows操作系统之间为市场领先地位所进行的了不起的斗争。

8.Miptary and economic supremacy are collectivist aspirations - you need a strong sense of nationhood to give them meaning.军事与经济霸权地位激发集体主义的情感——这种优越感需要强烈的民族认同来充实。

9.The battle for supremacy between London and New York garners the most column inches (at least in London, if not New York).伦敦和纽约对霸主地位的竞争占据了媒体的大部分版面(至少在伦敦是如此,如果纽约不是这样的话)。

10.Integration, he said, was "an insidious subterfuge, for the maintenance of white supremacy. "卡迈克尔说,融合是“阴险的诡计,用以维持白人至上的地位。”