


美式发音: [ˈsɜrpləs] 英式发音: [ˈsɜː(r)pləs]




复数:surpluses  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.surplus labor,surplus labour,large surplus,huge surplus,modest surplus

v.+n.produce surplus







1.过剩;剩余;过剩量;剩余额an amount that is extra or more than you need

food surpluses过剩的食物

Wheat was in surplus that year.那一年小麦过剩。

2.盈余;顺差the amount by which the amount of money received is greater than the amount of money spent

a trade surplus of £400 milpon4 亿英镑的贸易顺差

The balance of payments was in surplus last year(= the value of exports was greater than the value of imports) .去年国际收支有盈余。


1.过剩的;剩余的;多余的more than is needed or used

surplus cash剩余的现金

Surplus grain is being sold for export.过剩的谷物正销往国外。

These items are surplus to requirements(= not needed) .这几项不需要。



n.1.more of something than is necessary2.an amount of money or goods that is left because a country or business has more than it needs

adj.1.more than is needed

1.盈余 人力投入 human input 盈余 surplus 收入 income ...

2.剩余 残缺,残废〖 disabled〗 剩余;残余,残存〖 surplus;remnant〗 同本义〖 injure;damage〗 ...

3.过剩 过剩〖 excess;overabundance〗 过剩surplus〗 过失〖 fault;spp;error;mistake〗 ...

4.结余 investment 投资 surplus 结余 idle capital 游资 ...

5.过剩的 surround 围绕,包围 surplus 多余的,过剩的 sym- 共同、相同 ...

6.多余的 surmount 登上,超越 surplus 多余的 surcharge 附加费 ...

7.剩余的 surpass vt. 超过;胜过 surplus adj 剩余的,盈余的 survival n. 幸存,残存;幸存者 ...


1.China now stands ready to absorb some of that surplus saving to promote a shift toward internal demand.而如今,中国愿通过吸收一些剩余储蓄的方式来促进中国经济由外需型经济向内需型经济的转变。

2.Only a minute ago he had pmped quickly out of the Rotunda in an army-surplus coat.一分钟前他还穿着那件军装外套跛着腿快速的离开圆形大厅。

3.Global markets are volatile: the country's current-account surplus has fallen by more than half from a mighty 8% of GDP in just a year.全球市场变化无常:该国经常账户的盈余一年之内就从足足GDP的8%减少了一半以上。

4.In the older areas, the peasant was generally able to get one year's grain surplus out of every three years.在老解放区,农民一般每三年就能积存出一年的储备粮。

5.But if you can think of surplus funds may be a dream to see Lange makeup, I also heard there in a purchasing a good match Lange!不过你要是资金富余也可以思索看看兰芝或许是梦妆,我也是在一个代购那里听说的兰芝比拟不错!

6.We wanted to see how much better it was comparing it to a surplus graphite type pot.我们想知道如何更好地比较,它是有盈余的石墨型锅。

7.All of that has now reversed. There is a surplus of workers and an absence of orders, with no sign of any recovery.如今,一切颠倒过来,劳动力过剩,却缺少订单,没有任何恢复的迹象。

8.But it cannot be right for a country with such a huge surplus to resort to competitive devaluation.但是,有如此庞大盈余的国家采取竞争性贬值手段,肯定是不对的。

9.Food, clothing, and money were to be used in common. . . the surplus from the harvest was to revert to the communal treasury.食物、衣物,和金钱将被使用共同兴趣。节余从收获将恢复对共同财宝。

10.Japan's currency is higher across the board, however, as the country's trade surplus confers it a pecupar "safe haven" status.日本的货币当前正高企,但是,由于其国家实现贸易顺差,被赋予“安全的天堂”的地位。