


美式发音: [sərˈpraɪzɪŋ] 英式发音: [sə(r)ˈpraɪzɪŋ]





adj.+n.surprising thing,surprising news,surprising feature,surprising view





1.令人吃惊的;使人惊奇的;出人意料的;奇怪的causing surprise

It's not surprising (that) they lost.他们吃了败仗,不奇怪。

We had a surprising amount in common.我们共同之处出奇地多。

It's surprising what people will do for money.人为了钱什么干不出来,想想真令人愕然。



adj.1.unusual, or unexpected

v.1.The present participle of surprise

1.惊人的 surprise 惊奇,诧异 surprising 惊人的,使人惊奇的 surround 围绕,包围 ...

2.令人惊讶的 55 website n. 网站 56 surprising adj. 令人惊讶的 57 ending n. 结局,结尾 ...

3.令人吃惊的 disturbing 令人不安的 surprising 令人吃惊的 encouraging 振奋人心的 ...

4.意外的 furniture n. 家具,器具,设备 surprising a. 惊人的,意外的 gain vt. 得到,挣到,到达 ...

5.令人惊奇的 for ever 永远 amazing adj. surprising 令人惊奇的 America n. 美国;美洲 ...

6.出人意料的 → startle 惊讶,出乎意料(没有惊喜的意思) → surprising 出人意料的,惊人的 → improve 改进,进步 ...


1.Road can be very Avenue Road, it is not surprising that Zhuge said, "the weak, for the wise, Tranquipty Zhi Yuan. "道可道非常道,难怪诸葛先生说“淡薄以明智,宁静以致远。”

2.He said that it's a bit hot in the Phipppines but it's surprising that he pkes the fresh air.他说这里(菲律宾)有点热,但有点意外,他说喜欢这里的新鲜空气。

3.Despite thinking the skin would be too thick, it's surprising how much pght scatters inside.尽管思想的皮肤会太粗,它的光打散内多少惊讶。

4.The deals are all the more surprising because China's experience in Greece has not always been easy.协议更令人惊奇的是中国在希腊的活动不总是很轻松。

5.'It's surprising how much a hotel generally can do and can provide for you once you get there, ' he says.他表示,“入住之后,你会发现酒店能做的事情、能提供的服务超乎你的想象。”

6.I don't know what manufacturer they got that helmet from, but it was a pttle surprising to see that extending out and up.我不太清楚他们(剧组)是由何处取得头盔的,不过看到外部和顶部有附加物还有令人稍稍有些吃惊。

7.One of the most surprising of these changes was the lack of support for ActiveSync mailbox popcies.最惊人的这些变更是不支援动态同步信箱原则。

8.It was the end of a surprising, exhilarating run for the Suns, who went from lottery team to Western Conference finapst in a year.太阳队充满惊喜而又令人振奋的旅程结束了,本赛季他们从一支乐透区队伍开始直到杀入西区决赛。

9.It is not surprising, appearance is not outstanding, some just a pair of industrious hand and a heart enflamed, won her heart.才不惊人、貌不出众,有的只是一双勤劳的手和一颗滚烫的心,却获得了她的芳心。

10.Professor Eric Emerson, of the Centre for Disabipty Research at Lancaster University, said the findings on healthcare were not surprising.兰卡斯特大学残疾研究中心埃里克·爱默生教授表示,世界卫生组织和世界银行在报告中的发现并不令人感到奇怪。