



美式发音: [ˈdʒuvən(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈdʒuːvənaɪl]




复数:juveniles  同义词反义词



n.youngster,young person,teenager,teen,youth




adj.1.relating to young people who have committed a crime or who are accused of committing a crime; relating to young people2.silly and not appropriate for an adult3.a juvenile animal or plant is young

n.1.a young person who has committed a crime or is accused of committing a crime; a young person2.a young animal or plant

1.青少年 ... ④manifestation 表现 ⑤juveniles 青少年 ②hostage 人质 ...

2.幼虾 juvenile years 青少年时代 juveniles 稚气 juvenipty 年轻 ...

4.幼鱼时发现体长6-10公厘的鱼苗及体长13-25公厘的幼鱼juveniles),临床症状最明显的病徵为异常回旋游泳,故亦有人称此病 …

5.未成年人跟小鼠成体一样(small rat pups). 幼青个体(juveniles)应该单独放置於鞋盒大小的塑胶容器内并提供4-ounce大小的水盆, w/ X% …


1." Oh, yes. " Juvenile to see the past, although did not say anything, but juveniles have eye expression.“呵呵,是的。”少年看过去,虽然没说什么,不过少年已经用眼神表达了。

2.Juveniles do not know hard early, the first white square regret later reading.少年不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟。

3.Most states in this country have laws to protect juveniles from sexual behavior of a concentrical thought that this child might make.我们国家很多州都有法律,保护青少年不被性行为侵犯,因为我们,总有一个共同的思想,就是孩子有可能会遇到这些事。

4.Article No employing units shall be allowed to recruit juveniles under the age of .第十五条禁止用人单位招用未满十六周岁的未成年人。

5.Comppcating their task is the fact that many characteristics of a given species vary from male to female or adults to juveniles.让他们的工作更复杂的是一个特定物种的很多特征在雌雄,成年幼年之间变化很大。

6.Juveniles , or people under the age of eighteen, are usually tried in a juvenile court for misdemeanor offenses.未成年人十八周岁以下的人,所犯的罪行为轻罪通常在少年法庭接受审判。

7.Juveniles leave the day, I walked from the front of the juvenile, gathered in front of a lot of people, lying in front of a section of rope.少年离开的那一天,我从少年的门前走过,门前聚集了很多的人,门口躺着一段绳子。

8.Juveniles , or people under the age of eighteen, are usually tried in a juvenile court for misdemeanor of fe es.未成年人或者十八周岁以下的人,所犯的罪行为轻罪通常在少年法庭接受审判。

9.Persons, who are not of the prescribed age, must not work on the machine. Children and Juveniles must be kept away from the machine.禁止未成年人操作和使用机器。儿童和青少年必须远离机器。

10."Clearly they both could have attacked each other's juveniles, " but a match between two adults may have been less clear-cut, he added.“当然,它们都可以轻松袭击对方幼仔,”但是两个成年的竞争将难分伯仲。他另外补充道。