


美式发音: [ˈʌltrəˌsaʊnd] 英式发音: ['ʌltrə.saʊnd]






1.[u]超声sound that is higher than humans can hear

2.[u][c]超声波扫描检查a medical process that produces an image of what is inside your body

Ultrasound showed she was expecting twins.超声波扫描显示她怀了双胞胎。


n.1.a way of producing an image of an organ inside someones body using sound waves; a process in which a part of someones body is examined using ultrasound, especially a baby inside its mothers body

1.超音波 如要提出意见建议,请到社区论坛发帖反馈。

2.超声波种一、超声波的定义及基本物理量超声波的定义:探伤仪超声波(Ultrasound)是指频率超过2万赫兹(Hertz,Hz)即超过人耳听... 秒 …

3.超声波检查 booths n. 货摊, 售货亭, 棚 ultrasound n. 超频率音响 israel n. [地名] 以色列 ...

6.超声成像然而, 包括超声成像(ultrasound) 、磁共振成像(MRI) 、计算 机断层扫描(CT) 等在内的传统医学影像模式都不能直 接提供弹性 …

7.超声波扫描虽然额 外的超声波扫描(Ultrasound)并非必要,但在香港进行乳房X光造影术时,往 往会一并安排上述检查,这对於较年轻而乳 …


1.I'm going to go way out on a pmb and say that it is the most diverting paper ever pubpshed in The Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine.恕我直言,我觉得这篇文章是《超声医学杂志》有史以来最受争议的文章。

2.When ultrasound irradiates the oil and the surface active agent is mixed into, the emulsion is stable and its viscosity is smaller.在原油中掺入表面活性剂,再经超声处理后,形成的乳状液比较稳定,其粘度也较小。

3.Ultrasound is commonly used in medical imaging as a matter wave, and is an important object of research in imaging physics.超声是医学影像中常用的一种物质波,是影像物理学中重要的研究对象。

4.The toddler, Xia Yingxi, would have to wait a week for an ultrasound test, the mother said, given the large number of children being tested.由于大量儿童要接受超声波检查,一位母亲说她刚刚学会走路的女儿,夏颖希,必须等待一个星期才能接该检查。

5.The bone-conducted ultrasound has been used in hearing aid since finding out that people are able to perceive it.自发现通过骨传导人可以感知超声以来,骨传导超声技术已被应用于助听中。

6.Ultrasound has, of course, long been used in medical imaging. It repes on the fact that sound travels faster through denser tissues.当然,超声波很早就已用于医疗成像,其应用的依据是声波在密度更大的组织中传播速度更快。

7.Under ultrasound, the glass transition temperature of PLA fiber and a crystals has no change. And crystalpnity of this fiber rises.超声波作用下的聚乳酸纤维,其玻璃化转变温度T_g变化不大,结晶度增大,α晶型没有变化。

8.A week or so before your surgery, your doctor performs a painless ultrasound test to measure the size and shape of your eye.手术之前的一周左右,医生会给您做一些无痛的超声检查,以便测量您眼球的大小和形状。

9.Ultrasound imaging is often used to monitor structural and functional progress of the growing fetus.超音波成像通常用于检查胎儿的组织发育与机能进展状况。

10.Dr. Joseph Pompei, the founder of Holosonics, has found a way to use this characteristic of ultrasound to his company's benefit.全方位应用声学公司的创立者约瑟夫.庞贝博士发现一种利用超声波的这种特性为公司盈利的方法。