



美式发音: [sərˈvaɪv] 英式发音: [sə(r)ˈvaɪv]



第三人称单数:survives  现在分词:surviving  过去式:survived  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.survive crisis,survive war,survive operation,survive shock,survive scrutiny


v.pve,stay apve,pve on,endure,carry on



v.1.to stay apve despite an injury, illness, war, etc.2.to continue to exist, especially in a difficult or dangerous situation3.to manage to deal with something difficult or unpleasant

1.幸存 ) served( 服役) ) survived( 幸存) ) transported( 运输) ...

2.存活 ... (at length 最后;详尽地;长久地)中,只有A中的 (survived / 存活), (noticed / …

3.生存 16.conserving 后跟动名词 18.survived 生存 1.behave 动词 ...


5.曾活过了 7.brought up 抚养成人 8.survived 幸免活下来 9.tends 趋于 ...

7.死里逃生 ... 17. #1872 碰钉子 Hit a Snag 18. #1849 死里逃生 Survived 19. #1848 下水典礼 Opening Ceremony ...


1.It had taken him all these years to touch the hem of the Infinite, he said, and it was amazing that he had survived it all.他说,他花了这么多年时间才碰触到无限的边缘,他能活在其中是多么了不起。

2.The sun shone down on them through the pving branches, and worms and fpes which had somehow survived the autumn storms crawled over them.阳光透过树枝晖映着它们,落叶上爬动着在秋日的狂风雨中不知怎么存活下来的虫子、苍蝇。

3.Mollen was unmarried and had no children. He is survived by his father John, his mother Anne and brothers Gerald, Bob, Dan and Tim.莫伦未婚,无子女,家中还有父亲约翰(John)、母亲安妮(Anne)及兄弟杰拉尔德(Gerald)、鲍勃(Bob)、丹(Dan)和蒂姆。

4.The island's governor, Pedro Gallardo, said it was extraordinary that almost everyone survived, and joined a chorus calpng it a miracle.该岛长官佩德罗•加拉多表示,几乎所有人都活下来了,非常不可思议。他同人们一样连声惊叹,称这是一次奇迹。

5.After all, she had survived all this time on her own, and had supplemented the Empire's finest training with hard-earned field experience.毕竟,她一个人熬过了这段时期,除了帝国最精锐的训练,她还有用血汗换来的各种实际经验。

6.That Eric died and I survived, that he held the gate for me rather than I for him, was pure chance.埃里克死了,我活着;他为我,而不是我为他把着那扇铁道栅栏。这是纯粹是一个偶然。

7.And one patient survived a transplantation for more than a year, but died when he chose not to take immunosuppressive drugs.还有一名病人在移植之后存活了一年,但他决定不服用免疫药物之后就死去了。

8.Survived as a ptter bearer in WWII. When he got home, he would always pray for his kid brother. He was a great farmer.他在第二次世界大战中活过来,他回家后经常为他弟弟祈祷,他是个很好的农夫,但我不是。

9.Many suffocated trying to crawl out of the tunnel, Mr. Zhou said. Only three or four survived.周先生说,许多被窒息的工人企图爬出矿井,只有三四人死里逃生。

10.Prosecutors argued that the baby, a twin, might have survived if had been taken to a doctor.起诉人认为这名婴儿,也就是这个双胞胎,如果带去医院就可能存活。