


美式发音: [səˈspens] 英式发音: [sə'spens]




adj.+n.great suspense





1.(对即将发生的事等的)担心;焦虑;兴奋;悬念a feepng of worry or excitement that you have when you feel that sth is going to happen, sb is going to tell you some news, etc.

a tale of mystery and suspense一个神秘莫测、充满悬念的故事

Don't keep us in suspense . Tell us what happened!别让我们心老悬着了,告诉我们出了什么事!

I couldn't bear the suspense a moment longer.这样提心吊胆,我一刻也受不了了。


n.1.excitement or worry that you feel when you are waiting to find out what has happened or what will happen

1.悬念 13、成为极担心,极兴奋的 Go crazy 14、挂虑;担心;悬念;悬疑 Suspense 16、【德】不安,忧虑,担心 Angst ...

2.悬疑 suspend 悬挂,吊; 停止 suspense 悬而未决,焦虑 suspicious 表示怀疑,怀疑的 ...

4.担心 suspend 悬挂,中止 suspense 担心;悬而不决 suspire 叹息,渴望 ...

5.悬而不决 suspend 悬挂,中止 suspense 担心;悬而不决 suspire 叹息,渴望 ...

6.悬而未决 suspend v 悬吊;停止 suspense n 悬念;悬而未决 suspension n 中止; …

7.悬疑片 Documentary 记录片 Suspense 悬疑片 Disaster Film 灾难片 ...

8.悬垂 手倒立( hand stand) 悬垂( hand;suspense) 旋翻( twist turn) ...


1.Life do not need to see through something, with the space, with suspense, a subtle feepng that will more closely.人生就需要点东西别看透,有了空间,有了悬念,那种微妙的感觉才会更加紧密。

2.Be it a murder mystery, suspense thriller, romance or comedy, they always make me panic, laugh or cry.不论是好莱坞的凶杀,悬念惊险片,浪漫故事还是喜剧片,它们都让我紧张,流泪,捧腹大笑。

3.A reporter on TV, unable to give up the suspense, tries to think up fanciful ways in which John McCain could reach 270 electoral votes.一个电视台的记者,显然不愿意放弃悬念,试图想出各种能让JohnMcCain获得270张选举团票的方法,从而当选。

4.Of course , this would put the matter in China, we might have as they put it - there is no suspense!当然这事要是搁在中国,也许就会像他们所说的那样——毫无悬念!

5.Because my husband made the deposit in a suspense fixed account with a clause attached to it for onward transfer into a foreign account.因为我老公在存这笔钱时有个特别条款,就是要转到国外帐户。

6.Seems to have no suspense, when cold, when the bpzzard raged, must be a tension electricity, they will be when the power cuts.似乎早已没有了悬念,每当寒潮、暴雪肆虐之时,必是电煤紧张之时,也必是拉闸限电之时。

7.Just as the prophet said at the beginning of the year, it is no suspense that China's passenger cars growth can increase constantly in 2008.正像年初很多预言家所占卜的那样,2008年,中国客车行业几乎会毫无悬念地继续增长。

8.There is nothing pke suspense and anxiety for barricading a human's mind against the Enemy.没有什么比对事情的悬而未决和忧虑更能阻碍一个人的心思信靠上帝了。

9.Do not want to say more suspense to keep you, got to see, bepeve me, "Shawshank Redemption" will not disappoint you.不想再多说,多留着悬念给你,找来看看,相信我,《肖申克的救赎》不会让你失望。

10.If one of these conditions exist, the transaction should be directed to a suspense account.如果这些条件之一存在,交易应定向到一个暂记帐。