




1.苏蒂尔berg)中岛一贵(Nakajima) 印度力量:苏蒂尔(Sutil)费斯切拉 (Fisichella)


1.The McLarens also did not shine, and Heikki Kovalainen - perhaps with a gearbox problem - was faster only than Force India's Adrian Sutil.迈凯轮也没有服务,和科瓦莱宁-也许与变速箱的问题-是不是武力只能更快印度的阿德里安苏蒂尔。

2.Adrian Sutil, meanwhile, almost collected debut points for Force India, until he spun and had a huge crash with just five laps to go.阿德里安苏蒂尔,与此同时,几乎收集点的部队首次亮相印度,直到他纺和了巨大崩溃只有五圈去。

3.Sutil's 2009 car may get a boost next month, when Mercedes' KERS system is scheduled to be fitted for the first time.苏蒂尔的2009年汽车可能会获得提振下个月,当奔驰物系统定装首次。

4.Adrian Sutil, whose contract expires this season, will not rule out departing Force India at the end of 2009.阿德里安苏蒂尔,其本赛季合同到期,将不排除离开部队印度在2009年底。

5."You have to go to the absolute top teams. Ferrari, McLaren and Red Bull . . . all those teams have no place, " added Sutil.“你必须去军绝对顶级的车队。法拉利,麦克拉伦和红牛……所有这些车队都没有位置,”苏蒂尔补充道。

6.On lap 29 I colpded with Sutil: he came out of the box while I was on my pne;圈29余相撞苏蒂尔:他出来的方块,而我是在我的线路;