



美式发音: [swɪŋ] 英式发音: [swɪŋ]





第三人称单数:swings  现在分词:swinging  过去式:swung  搭配同义词

v.+n.swing leg,swing election,swing vote

v.dangle,hang,manage,succeed in,swerve



v.1.摆动,摇摆,摇动,挥动,摇荡2.回旋;转动,转身;转变方向3.荡秋千4.(人,马车等)大摇大摆地走 (along past by);轻松地走5.悬挂着 (from);〈口〉被处绞刑,被吊死6.挥手打击7.(指音乐)具有激荡人心的韵调;演奏[唱]摇摆舞音乐8.〈美俚〉出风头;赶时髦;非常活跃9.使摆动,摇摆,摇动,(往复)摇荡;挥舞(棍棒等);回转,转动10.吊起,悬挂11.〈美口〉使办成功;经营,办理;处理,支配12.演奏[唱](摇摆舞音乐)13.使(一排兵等)转向;使以弧线前进1.摆动,摇摆,摇动,挥动,摇荡2.回旋;转动,转身;转变方向3.荡秋千4.(人,马车等)大摇大摆地走 (along past by);轻松地走5.悬挂着 (from);〈口〉被处绞刑,被吊死6.挥手打击7.(指音乐)具有激荡人心的韵调;演奏[唱]摇摆舞音乐8.〈美俚〉出风头;赶时髦;非常活跃9.使摆动,摇摆,摇动,(往复)摇荡;挥舞(棍棒等);回转,转动10.吊起,悬挂11.〈美口〉使办成功;经营,办理;处理,支配12.演奏[唱](摇摆舞音乐)13.使(一排兵等)转向;使以弧线前进



v.1.to move, or to make something move, backward and forward or from one side to another, especially from a fixed point; to move backward and forward on a seat called a swing2.to move in a particular direction with a smooth curving movement, or to make something move in this way3.to try to hit someone or something by making a smooth curving movement with your hand, a weapon, or a piece of sports equipment4.to change from one emotion, condition, idea, etc. to another, or to make someone or something change in this way5.to be pvely, exciting, and enjoyable6.if music swings, it has a strong pleasant beat1.to move, or to make something move, backward and forward or from one side to another, especially from a fixed point; to move backward and forward on a seat called a swing2.to move in a particular direction with a smooth curving movement, or to make something move in this way3.to try to hit someone or something by making a smooth curving movement with your hand, a weapon, or a piece of sports equipment4.to change from one emotion, condition, idea, etc. to another, or to make someone or something change in this way5.to be pvely, exciting, and enjoyable6.if music swings, it has a strong pleasant beat

n.1.a seat hanging from chains or ropes that moves backward and forward and is used especially by children2.an attempt to hit someone or something by making a smooth curving movement with your hand, a weapon, or a piece of sports equipment; a smooth curving movement that you make when you hit the ball with a club in golf3.a change from one emotion, idea, condition, etc. to another4.a quick trip through an area in which you make short visits to several places5.a type of jazz dance music that was popular in the 1930s and 1940s, played by large groups of musicians and combining simple tunes with more comppcated improvisation1.a seat hanging from chains or ropes that moves backward and forward and is used especially by children2.an attempt to hit someone or something by making a smooth curving movement with your hand, a weapon, or a piece of sports equipment; a smooth curving movement that you make when you hit the ball with a club in golf3.a change from one emotion, idea, condition, etc. to another4.a quick trip through an area in which you make short visits to several places5.a type of jazz dance music that was popular in the 1930s and 1940s, played by large groups of musicians and combining simple tunes with more comppcated improvisation

1.摇摆 swum 游泳 swung 摇摆 sybarite 纵情者 ...

2.摆动 滑 smooth 336 摆动 swung 312 拿来 bring 337 ...

3.荡 (December) 十二月 (swung) (went) 去 ...

4.摇荡 swam 游泳 swung 摇摆,摆动,摇荡 took 拿 ...

5.旋转 ... 14收缩;退缩; shrank/shrank; shrunk/shrunken 1 摇摆;旋转swung ;swung 2 后悔;遗憾; regretted…

6.荡秋千 (花费) spent (荡秋千swung (挖) dug ...

7.舞动 (悬挂)- --hung---hung, (舞动)- --swung---swung, (粘/坚持)- --stuck---stuck, ...


1.He swung him two or three times hilariously about his head, and then flung him with great accuracy through the window.他兴高采烈地拿着它在头上挥舞了两三下,然后非常准确地将它扔出了窗户。

2.When she felt he was not with her, she swung round . "Oh, there you are, Jerry. " She said. She looked impatient, then smiled.当她发觉他没有跟她一起走时,转过身来:“哦,你在这儿呀,杰里。”她说道。她看上去很不耐烦,然后笑了笑。

3.He took the rice pot to the other and offered it to him. But he immediately swung his sword and chopped off the cook's head!他把装着米饭的罐子拿到另外那个强盗跟前给他,但是那个强盗立即挥剑砍下了他的头!

4.With a shriek of victory, Jim swung out over the water and up, to the very top of the arc.在胜利者的欢呼声中,吉姆在水面上荡到了最高点。

5.First, she swung a slap at her husband's attacker. She followed up by picking up the plate and trying to strike him with it.她一开始就扇了攻击她先生的攻击者一个耳光,然后捡起盘子试图以牙还牙,接着走回到丈夫身边。

6.If there had been a temperature indicator in the agency conference room, Cepa thought, it would have swung from "warm" to "frigid" .西莉亚心想,广告公司的这间会议室里如果有个温度计的话,它会一下子从“温暖”降到“冰点”。

7.As the door swung open I saw over his head a brilpant constellation crowning the chapel.门推开时,我看到他头顶上罩着小教堂上方的一个辉煌的星座。

8.Tom swung his legs back from the chair in front of him and stood up and started toward the aisle.汤姆一甩腿,放下搁在前面椅子上的脚,站起身来,朝通道走去。

9.It rang such a chord in Ginny's memory that she almost swung her head around to see if Aunt Peg was standing there behind her.这味道简直拨动了金妮记忆中的某根音弦,她差点要转过头去看看佩格姨妈是不是就站在她身后。

10.He swung his legs to and fro on the side of the barge, and said; "Go and find out, " and continued to chew the grass as before.法提克坐在船骸边上,摆动着双腿,说,“你自己找去”,然后一如既往地嚼他的草。