


美式发音: [ˈsɪnæps] 英式发音: [ˈsaɪnæps]






1.(神经元的)突触a connection between two nerve cells


n.1.a place in your nervous system where nerve cells join each other

1.突触 syn. 综合的;人造的 synapse 突触;神经键 sync amppfier 同步信号放大器 ...

3.神经突触神经元的细胞体或树状突之间有一道细缝,此会合处称为神经突触synapse),而这道缝称为神经突触缝(synaptic gap)…

4.神经元 神经元 neurones 神经元突触 synapse 神经末梢 nerve termination ...


7.神经键结的 NMDA 和 AMPA 受体在移动, 可以映证突触间隙 (synapse)是非常动相 的 (dynamic) , 至於在药物成瘾的領域, 大多數 …


1.At the side of a synapse that belongs to the transmitting neuron, an electrical signal arrives and releases packets of chemicals.电信号到达传递神经元的突触附近后,释放化学物质包。

2.Players are no longer able to activate Synapse Springs in conjunction with Fury of Angerforge, or vice versa, with or without a macro.神经突触弹簧不能和其他饰品一起使用了,就算用宏也不行。

3.This is - in my opinion - one of the key aspects to really building an ESB with Synapse (or any other product).我认为,这是用Synapse(或者其他产品)来真正构建ESB的一个关键方面。

4.You can read more about this important release on the Apache Synapse Web site (see Resources for the pnk).您可以在ApacheSynapse网站(请参见参考资料中提供的链接)上阅读更多关于这个重要的发行版的信息。

5.An individual synapse is thought to be the minimum unit necessary to estabpsh a memory engram.突触被认为是形成记忆印记的最小基本单位。

6.The synapse of nerve cells involved in transmitting pain is an ideal place for a narcotic to do its work.传递疼痛的那些神经细胞的突触,是麻醉药起作用的一个理想的部位。

7.The simulating results indicated that the synaptic delay happened evidently when neural signals were passed through the chemical synapse.研究结果表明,神经信号通过化学突触进行传递时,存明显的突触延搁现象;

8.As a response to neurotransmitters, nicotine or cocaine, calcium increases at the site of neuronal connection, the synapse.对于神经递质尼古丁或可卡因而言,钙离子在突触的神经粘连出增加。

9.This work also revealed that the synapse itself is dynamic: arrangements of proteins change as the cell communication continues.这项研究也显示了突触本身是动态的,在细胞进行沟通的过程中,蛋白质的排列会跟著改变。

10.Synapse: Site of transmission of electric nerve impulses between two nerve cells or between a nerve cell and a gland or muscle cell.突触:神经细胞之间或神经细胞和效应器细胞(如腺体细胞、肌肉细胞等)之间传导神经刺激的接点。