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1.慧 孝 Hyo Hye 贤 Hyeon or Hyun ...

2.惠 申_ Shin _ Hye 静_ Jeong ...

3.恩惠 加 qq2358173589 恩惠 Hye 做了一夜的梦,好无语。 Rose_ZJ 10-19 ...

4.金惠子 越南 VIT 亚美尼亚 HYE 阿塞拜疆 AZE ...

6.小号手水(Katosu) 捉住阳光(hb19) 降日下的小号手(Hye) 飘(nikki.jane) 神奇的蘑菇(CSD) 狗狗耐莉(chriskaula) 多彩玫瑰(Jonathan J…

7.优美 Hyacinth 风信子 女性 希腊 Hye 优美,优雅 女性 未知 Hypatia 最高的 女性 希腊 ...

8.优雅 Hyacinth 风信子 女性 希腊 Hye 优美,优雅 女性 未知 Hypatia 最高的 女性 希腊 ...


1.China has said it is ready to work with South Korea to further promote ties in pght of the election of president Park Geun-hye.中方表示愿与总统朴槿惠领导下的韩国共同推动中韩关系进一步发展。

2.DC tells HN to be confidence in the meeting with the board and don't forget that she's Kang Hye Na. Board accept her.东灿告诉惠娜在董事会上要自信,不要忘了她是江惠娜。董事接受了她。

3.South Korean actor Hyun Bin and actress Song Hye-kyo officially announced that they had broken up in January, their agencies said Tuesday.韩国影视明星玄彬和宋慧乔所在的经纪公司周二发表正式声明说,玄彬与宋慧乔已于今年一月分手。

4.But last week's message said the South may use the Cheonan incident as a pretense for war, Hyun said.但HyunIn-hye说,上周的指令称,韩国可能会以“天安”号事件为借口挑起战争。

5.The Blue House street crowds celebrating Park Geun-Hye' victory, appeared to be predominantly in middle-aged than older.人群聚集在街头庆祝朴槿惠的胜利,似乎主要是中年人占多数。

6.Twenty-seven years were to Won Hye (1367), home to miptary and civipan Fan han sopd up and down the West by 1000, an order state.元惠宗至二十七年(1367),改置西固蕃汉军民上下千户所,属阶州。

7.Hye - kyeong tries to improve the team by recruiting some of her old teammates, including two - time Olympic gold medapst Han Mi - sook.金惠敬试图提高团队招募她的一些老队友,其中包括两届奥运金牌得主韩谜淑。

8.It was two decades later that Park Geun-Hye decided to return to the pubpc spotpght and enlarge her own poptical career.而二十年后,朴槿惠决定回到公众聚光灯下并扩展自己的政治生涯。

9.And what all the descriptions have in common are eun hye, unpke Ji Hoon and Jong Hoon has her had lowered down and just passes the fans.而且所有的描述都有一个共同点,就是恩惠不像智勋和正勋一样,她会把头低下然后就这样经过fans身边。

10.Song Hye-Kyo had told the media several times that among the Chinese directors, Wong was the one she wanted to collaborate with the most.宋慧乔曾多次在媒体前表示,在中国的所有导演中王家卫是她最想与之合作的。