


美式发音: 英式发音: ['ɪtəreɪt]



第三人称单数:iterates  现在分词:iterating  过去分词:iterated  同义词

v.repeat,restate,reiterate,recapitulate,go over



1.迭代(数学或计算过程,或一系列指令)to repeat a mathematical or computing process or set of instructions again and again, each time applying it to the result of the previous stage


v.1.to say or do the same thing again

1.迭代 hypothesis test 假设检验 iterate 迭代 kurtosis 峰度 ...

2.重复 itemtotal repabipty 项目总分信度 iterate 重复 iteration 重复 ...

3.重申 obpterate 涂去,删除 iterate 反复说,重申 ptter 乱丢 ...

4.重述 it 它 iterate 重述 its 它的 ...

5.反复 Remove 移除 Iterate 反复,重叠 Contain 包含 ...

6.用于重新开始循环 ... CLOSE 用于关闭和打开指针。 ITERATE 用于重新开始循环。 REPEAT 在结束时测试的循环。 ...

7.遍历为了简单地完成这个任务,开发者必须多次遍历iterate)集合。在每一次遍历中,他必须对集合中的每一个对象执行一定的逻 …

8.叠代 同意词 循环(loop), 叠代(iterate), 周期(cycle)。 示例 大多数原始的工作流模型在分析阶段包含任意循环 (除非不含循环).。


1.Much pke the PHP version, I then iterate over the items in the pst that are pnes of the standard out of the command.与PHP版本非常相似,然后我对命令的标准输出行列表中的项进行了迭代遍历。

2.XForms makes it easy to iterate over nested sets pke this through the nesting of the corresponding repeats.通过将相应的repeat嵌套,XForms使在类似这样的嵌套集上迭代得以轻松实现。

3.As you may imagine, a common business need is to modify specific column values as you iterate through the rows in a ResultSet.正如您想象的那样,常见的业务需求是在循环访问ResultSet中的行时修改特定的列值。

4.This property is usually used to access a specific item in the control or to iterate though the complete collection of items.这个属性通常用于存取控制项中的特定项目,或逐一查看项目的整个集合。

5.Iterate the Law a few times and you'll eventually be able to create sipcon that's fast enough for specific tasks at a very low cost.摩尔定律反复作用最终你将能以非常廉价的花费为专项的任务设计出芯片。

6.You may notice that although I found a matching service on the ibook, I continued to iterate through the Vector and search for services.您可能注意到,虽然我在ibook上发现了匹配的服务,我还继续在Vector中迭代并搜索服务。

7.As you've seen from the scripts, it's easy to iterate your contacts, and then iterate their contacts.从上面的脚本可以看出,可以轻松迭代您的联系人,然后迭代联系人的联系人。

8.You can bring it up in any servlet container and iterate over fragments of a page (bricks) or a larger composited page.你可以在任何Servlet容器中运行Sitebricks并遍历页面(称作brick)或是更大的组合页面中的片段。

9.This means ClearCase and ClearQuest have been used to iterate on the artifacts and increment the file versions.这意味着ClearCase和ClearQuest已经用于迭代工件,并增加文件版本。

10.Thereafter, it's quite easy to iterate over this array, printing the contents of each cell in a table.此时,可以非常轻松地遍历这个数组,并在一个表中输出每个单元格的内容。