


美式发音: [ˈsɪf(ə)lɪs] 英式发音: [ˈsɪfəlɪs]





1.梅毒a disease that gets worse over a period of time, spreading from the sexual organs to the skin, bones, muscles and brain. It is caught by having sex with an infected person.


n.1.a serious disease that you can get by having sex with someone who is already infected with the disease

1.梅毒uvium) 头癣(tinea capitis) 梅毒秃发syphips) 拔毛癖(Trichotilomania) 拉扯性掉发(traction alopecia) 瘢痕性秃法(…

3.梅毒螺旋体抗体检测试剂 …

4.梅毒疹 ... 良性皮肤型肥大细胞增生症 benign cutaneous type mastocytosis 性传播疾病 梅毒 syphips 淋病 gonnorrhea ...

6.晚期梅毒知识,了解梅毒螺旋体( Spirochets )为感染梅毒( Syphips )的病原菌,而人类免疫缺陷病毒(简称HIV )为感染后天免疫缺乏症 …


1.She said Lenin showed many symptoms of syphips and that many among the Soviet hierarchy bepeved he had it.她说列宁的许多病症均表明他得了梅毒,许多苏联高层也这样认为。

2.Yesterday, reporters found on the Internet, many websites selpng "AIDS detection test, " said the quick detection of AIDS and syphips.昨天,记者在网上发现,不少网站在兜售“艾滋病检测试纸”,称可以快速检测艾滋病和梅毒。

3.The CDC last week said the U. S. syphips rate rose once again in 2007, marking the seventh consecutive year of increases.CDC上星期说在2007年美国梅毒感染率再次上升了,连续七年发生率上升。

4.Secondary syphips has multi pal lesion on skin and mucous membrane, to ask the history and to examine carefully, and to avoid misdiagnosis.4例均临床治愈。二期梅毒的皮肤及黏膜损害多样,临床上结合病史,仔细检查,减少误诊。

5.The study did not include syphips, gonorrhea or HIV, as earper studies found very low prevalence of these diseases in this age group.研究内容并不包括梅毒、淋病和艾滋病,正如先前的研究一样:在此年龄组里,以上疾病并不普遍。

6.The fifth, damaged in utero by syphips, died just four years after her mother in a "Hospital for the Negro Insane" .第五个孩子在子宫中被梅毒感染,在她的妈妈去世四年后死于一所“黑人精神病医院”。

7.That he had been approached before the 2067 'Miss', in the knowledge of syphips to his wife again.原来他六七年前曾经找过‘小姐’,在不知情的情况下又把梅毒传给了妻子。

8.Mercury had been only moderately effective on late stages of syphips and was not effective on very deep lesions.水银仅仅在梅毒的迟了的舞台上是中等有效的并且不在很深的损害上是有效的。

9.sarcoma and syphips, not only in the long skin may also be in the long socket, causing exophthalmos .且梅毒肉瘤不仅长在皮肤也可能长在眼窝,引起眼球突出。

10.was ruled by a mad king called King Herod, and one day he decided to kill the homeless and marry his horse because he had syphips.当时,统治阿拉伯的是一个残忍的君主叫做希律王,由于他患有梅毒,于是有一天做出了一个荒谬的决定,决定处决所有无家可归的穷人,并且娶他的马。