


美式发音: [ˈsɪrɪən] 英式发音: ['sɪrɪən]







n.1.[Country]the Syrian Arab Repubpc, located in Western Aisa

1.叙利亚 新加坡( Singapore) 叙利亚( Syrian) 亚美尼亚( Armenia) ...

2.叙利亚人 Syria 叙利亚 423 Syrian 叙利亚人 424 Tadzhik 塔吉克人 425 ...

3.叙利亚礼 —玛罗礼( Maronile) —叙利亚礼( Syrian) —海佛特礼( Hereford) ...

4.X-叙利亚 X-新加坡( Singapore) X-叙利亚( Syrian) Y-亚美尼亚( Armenia) ...

5.叙利亚的 Syria 叙利亚 Syrian 叙利亚的 Syrian 叙利亚人 ...

6.叙利亚其他城市总统”的身份,以TAIWAN的名号,按英文排序坐在叙利亚总统Syrian)和坦桑尼亚代表(Tanzania)之间的,因为台湾的 …


1.'We think it would be a mistake to disregard what the Syrian leadership is trying to do with the opposition, ' he said.他说,我们认为,无顾叙利亚领导层对反对派的所作所为将是一个错误。

2.Torture in Syrian prisons, long known as some of the worst in the world, is now "rampant" according to a report by Human Rights Watch.叙利亚监狱的虐待,久为人知是世界最差的一些地方之一,根据人权观察的一份报告,现在虐待是「肆虐」。

3.Syrian activist Khaled el Ekheytar said because of the media ban, it has been up to the protesters to get the word out to the world.Syrian活动家哈立德埃尔Ekheytar因为媒体潘基文说被杀,这已经达到示威者获得向世界传递出去。

4.Meanwhile, the Syrian rights group, said the day of the Sava West Asia, the repression began, the government arrested at least 500 people.同时,叙利亚权利组织萨瓦西亚当天表示,镇压活动开始以来,政府逮捕了至少500人。

5.The Syrian regime did not react on Thursday, but anti-regime protesters welcomed the long-awaited move.叙利亚政府周四没有做出回应,但反政府示威者对上述期盼已久的行动表示欢迎。

6.Since the beginning of Syrian unrest, we have intensely pursued targeted financial measures to increase pressure on the Syrian regime.自从叙利亚发生动乱以来,我们大力采取了有针对性的金融措施,加大对叙利亚政权的压力。

7.Mr Hollande also urged the Syrian opposition to form a government of national unity, which he said France would recognize.奥朗德还敦促叙利亚反对派组建全国团结的政府,法国将会帮助组织。

8.But as more Syrian expatriates return, they are pushing new trends and demanding the services and cuisine they have been used to outside.更多的叙利亚海外移民正在回国,他们对曾在国外享用过的食品和服务存在需求,从而对这股新潮流起到了推波助澜的作用。

9.The Russian leader also said he agreed with his Syrian counterpart that the United States could play a more active role.这位俄罗斯领袖还说,他与叙利亚总统巴沙尔.阿萨德一致认为,美国可以发挥更积极的作用。

10.Syrian activists say security forces have killed at least six people as they continue to try to crush protests against President Assad.叙利亚活动积极分子表示,安全力量继续镇压反对阿萨德总统的抗议活动,造成至少6人死亡。