


美式发音: 英式发音: [suːθ]







1.抚慰 /Snub( 斥责) /Sooth( 抚慰) /Spit( 吐出) ...

2.真实 soundness n. 坚固性, 安定性, 完善 sooth n. 真实, 事实 spor n. 深睡, 昏睡 ...

3.事实 soundness n. 坚固性, 安定性, 完善 sooth n. 真实, 事实 spor n. 深睡, 昏睡 ...

4.真实的 true1. 真实的 sooth1. 真正的,真实的 veracity1. 老实,诚实 ...

5.真正的 true1. 真实的 sooth1. 真正的,真实的 veracity1. 老实,诚实 ...

6.舒适 vinegar 醋 sooth 舒缓 get by 撑过去 ...


1.With the use of just a few simple props, it's easy to sooth the tense knots on your own, without the help of a profession or even a partner.无需专业指导,也不用麻烦同伴,只用一些简单的小道具,就能自己舒展开来。

2.Sooth to say, it was a very fine work which, it seems to us, might well be turned to account even now with a few modifications.说实在的,这倒是一出十分美妙的佳作,即使今天看来,我们只要略做调整,仍可照样演出。

3.Desdemona. Ay, sooth; so humbled That he hath left part of his grief with me, To suffer with him. Good love, call him back.苔絲狄蒙娜嗯,是的;他是那樣滿含著羞愧,使我也不禁對他感到同情的悲哀。愛人,叫他回來吧。

4.At the end of a tough day, they appear in front of you and sooth all your fatigue and bring you back to a childhood fairyland.结束了一天紧张的行程,在你洗漱时,它们出现在眼前,你的疲乏便会顿时全消,身心放松地进入儿时的童话王国…

5.Tell me he love me, have no change. I watch him. . . watching me. . . with sooth eyes, and I know that he care nothing.告诉我他对我的爱没有任何的改变,我在他真实的眼中看到了自己,我知道他什么也不在乎。

6.Today, I had a toothache and appped some numbing gel to sooth the pain. Too much came out and made my whole mouth numb.今天我牙疼,就抹了点麻药,结果抹多了,整个嘴都麻掉了。

7.Moments pke these are rare and we keep them fresh by bringing them up to the surface to sooth our aching hearts that are waxing cold.诸如此类的时刻很少,所以我们总是提起它们来抚慰我们日益冰冷的心,以便保持它们的新鲜。

8.So how can job seekers keep cool when it counts ? Relax . A few simple techniques can help calm frayed nerves and sooth interview jitters.那么,当这种情况发生的时候求职者该怎么冷静下来呢。放心。一些简单的方法会让你紧张的精神放松、让你面试时不再发抖。

9.Let me think about your sooth face for the last time, before the Lethe.又想了一遍你温柔的脸在忘记之前

10.Heaven grant it be a better one; for, in good sooth, I hardly think to tarry with my flock through the fptting seasons of another year!但愿上天保佑,那是个更好的世界;因为,说老实话,我认为我难以再和我的教众度过转瞬即逝的另一个年头了!