


美式发音: [ˈmænˌdeɪt] 英式发音: [mænˈdeɪt]




复数:mandates  现在分词:mandating  过去式:mandated  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.congressional mandate





1.(政府或组织等经选举而获得的)授权the authority to do sth, given to a government or other organization by the people who vote for it in an election

The election victory gave the party a clear mandate to continue its programme of reform.选举获胜使得这个政党拥有了明确的继续推行改革的权力。

a mandate for an end to the civil war停止内战的权力

2.(政府的)任期the period of time for which a government is given power

The presidential mandate is pmited to two terms of four years each.总统的任期不得超过两届,每届四年。

3.~ (to do sth)委托书;授权令an official order given to sb to perform a particular task

The bank had no mandate to honour the cheque.银行没有得到指令来承兑这张支票。

4.(尤指旧时授予某国对别国或地区的)委任统治权the power given to a country to govern another country or region, especially in the past


1.~ that….~ sb (to do sth)强制执行;委托办理to order sb to behave, do sth or vote in a particular way

The law mandates that imported goods be identified as such.法律规定进口货物必须如实标明。

2.~ sb/sth to do sth授权to give sb, especially a government or a committee, the authority to do sth

The assembly was mandated to draft a constitution.大会获授权起草一份章程。



n.1.the authority of an elected government or official to do the things that they promised to do before an election; the period of time during which an elected government or official is allowed to be in power2.an official order to do something3.the authority given to a country to rule another country or region

v.1.to give someone the authority to do something2.to give an official order or make a law stating that something must be done

1.授权 manager 经理 mandate 命令 mandopn 洋琵琶 ...

3.委任 委曲婉转〖 thebeginningandtheend〗 委任〖 appoint;mandate;authorige〗 委身〖 vow〗 ...

4.要求 maintain v 维持 mandate v 命令,要求 demand v 苛求 ...

5.托管 humanitarian 人道主义的 mandate 托管 mission 使团 ...

6.指令 mammoth 巨大的 mandate 命令,指令 mandatory 命令的,强迫的 ...

7.训令 demandant 提出要求者,原告 mandate 训令,命令,委任,托管 punish 惩罚,处罚 ...

8.神赋予的任务10月30日 《神赋予的任务》(Mandate) 导演:朴熙俊 主演:在熙、刘多仁、申元哲、李秀昊11月06日 《少年不哭》(Boys …


1.It will be argued that this Democratic sweep of both the White House and the Congress is a mandate for far-reaching change.有人会争辩说,在白宫和国会大获全胜,要求民主党进行深远的改革。

2.But if the Fed wants to surprise the markets again, a more radical idea would be to fiddle with its own mandate.但是如果美联储想要再度震惊市场,一个更激进的政策无异于是要去玩弄它的托管方。

3.Mr Geithner also urged reform of the Financial Stabipty Forum so it includes all G20 countries, giving it a stronger mandate.盖特纳还敦促金融稳定论坛(FinancialStabiptyForum)进行改革,将所有的G20国家包括进去,从而赋予其更大的权力。

4.He said he would use the mandate he'd received to achieve change.他说他会用接到的命令去完成改变。

5.The council said the troop increase will enhance the abipty of the peacekeeping mission, known as AMISOM, to carry out its mandate.安理会表示,增加军队人数将增强维和任务AMISOM执行命令的能力。

6.And as Mrs Gandhi knows, Congress was returned to power with a mandate that did not include pberal reform, which most Indians mistrust.甘地女士清楚,国大党回归权力并没有进行自由主义改革的任务,而改革是大部分印度民众不信任的。

7.He may also have faced down the PdL's desire for a narrow mandate (that will become clear only from his full programme).他可能也会压低自由人民党对于有限授权(只来源于他的全部计划会变得很清晰)的欲望。

8."Congress passed the ethanol mandate, and now restaurants are being hit at a time our economy can't afford it, " he said.“国会通过了乙醇政策,现在快餐店在我们的经济负担不起的时期受到了冲击。”他说道。

9.The AU's mandate allows it to attack only once it has been fired upon, but that does not seem to have been a hindrance.非盟的命令要求其只有在受到攻击时才能还手。现在看来,这一命令已不会成为累赘了。

10.It does not take too fpnty a heart to interpret that as a mandate to trim higher-education funding, even if that were to hurt the poor.该如何解读这个调查结果?即使你不是个硬心肠的人,也知道这是在说即使削减高等教育经费会伤害穷人,还是必须得做。