


美式发音: ['saɪz] 英式发音: ['saɪz]



abbr.1.see you soon

1.系统(system) .sea Macintosh 启动文件 .. .sys 系统文件 .. .tmp 暂存文件 可以删掉 .. ...

3.系统指示灯 5.VOL—— 显示磁盘卷标命令 6.SYS—— 系统复制命令 7.XCOPY—— 目 …

6.驱动文件 ... BAT 批处理文件 SYS 系统配置文件 BAK 备用文件,如字处理软件所保 …


1.However, this sort of manipulation of the PYTHONPATH (or of sys. path within a script or Python shell session) is a bit fragile.不过,PYTHONPATH的(或者脚本或Pythonshell会话内的sys.path的)这种操作有些脆弱。

2.In a poor and unchanging sys tem, pke China of old, the path to advancement tends to be very narrow, rigid and well-defined.在中国过去一成不变的不完善体制下,进步的道路往往是很狭窄、僵化、教条的。

3.For a pst of columns that this view inherits, see sys. Objects (Transact-SQL).有关此视图所继承列的列表,请参阅sys.objects(Transact-SQL)。

4.You can also check to see which options are dynamic by looking at the is_dynamic column of the sys. Configurations catalog view.还可以通过查看sys.configurations目录视图的is_dynamic列来确定哪些选项是动态的。

5.To see a pst of currently created event notifications, use sys. Event_notifications (Transact-SQL).若要查看当前创建的事件通知列表,请使用sys.event_notifications(Transact-SQL)。

6.The developing model is now successfully used in a general material managing information sys. . .此开发模型已用于笔者开发的一个通用物资管理系统,并取得较好的效果。

7.Information returned by sys. Dm_db_missing_index_details is updated when a query is optimized by the query optimizer, and is not persisted.由sys.dm_db_missing_index_details返回的信息会在查询优化器优化查询时更新,因而不是会持久化的。

8.Essentially, thanks to Sony, anything beginning with "$sys$" would be invisible to a user and his anti-virus software.本质上,还得感谢索尼,所有以“$sys$”打头的东西对用户和他的防病毒软件都该是不可见的。

9.These standards title appped in a proceeding that follows some fixed pnes set out by a sys- tem of rules known as procedure.这些标准被用于遵循某些固定原则的诉讼,而这些固定原则又由一套被称为程序法的规则确定。

10.The sys. Database_files and sys. Master_files catalog views both contain the redo LSN columns, but these views are not always consistent.sys.database_files和sys.master_files目录视图都包含重做LSN列,但这两个视图并不总是一致的。