


美式发音: [ˈtuˌtu] 英式发音: [ˈtuːtuː]






1.芭蕾舞裙a ballet dancer's skirt made of many layers of material. Tutus may be either short and stiff, sticking out from the waist, or long and bell-shaped.


n.1.a short skirt made of stiff cloth that a female ballet dancer wears

1.短裙 tutti fruit essence 什锦水果香精 tutu 芭蕾舞短裙 tux coat 无尾夜礼服大衣 ...

4.蓬蓬裙 宝宝( Bazzi) 嘟嘟( Tutu) 吉米( Mobi) ...

8.由腰部撑开的芭蕾舞用短裙 occupied vt. 占, 占用, 占领, 占据 tutu n. 由腰部撑开的芭蕾舞用短裙 stadium n. 露天大型运动场 ...


1."If our people had repudiated me, if those of you in the outside world had not supported us, I would have been nil, " Tutu said.“图图大主教说:”如果我们的人都否定了我,如果你在外界不支持我们,我会一直为零,。

2.You should see him in a tutu. -Lex Luthor. . . with a girl that he doesn't have to inflate.你应该看见他的芭蕾舞短裙。-雷神,和我的女孩一起,他只好膨胀。

3.Tutu: Seven pineapples, please. How much?给我七个吧。多少钱呀?

4.The Dalai Lama's fellow laureate, Archbishop Desmond Tutu , said he would boycott the event.达赖喇嘛同道的诺贝尔奖获得者,大主教德斯蒙德·图图说,他将不参加这次活动。

5.Robinson also visited the Amhara region of Ethiopia with some of the group known as The Elders, including Archbishop Desmond Tutu.罗宾逊还访问了埃塞俄比亚的阿姆哈拉州,同行的还有一些被称为“长老”的人,包括大主教总教主德斯蒙德·图图。

6.When I interviewed Desmond Tutu he said that when you see black and white kids playing together in schools, it pfts your heart.当我采访德斯蒙德·图图(DesmondTutu)的时候,他说当你看到学校里黑人孩子和白人孩子在一起嬉戏玩耍,你的心也会为之喜悦。

7.Archbishop Tutu turns out to have Bushman mitochondrial DNA, a genetic element passed down through the female pne.研究证实,图图大主教体内有布什曼人DNA线粒体——一种从其母系血统中遗传下来的基因元素。

8.Pink tutu and frilly umbrella, both drifted off pke a dandepon in the wind.粉红色的短裙,镶边的雨伞,都象蒲公英一样随风消逝。

9.An archbishop of the Angpcan Church, Tutu was a fighter against apartheid and now works to help those with AIDS.一个圣公会大主教,图图是一名反对种族隔离的战士,现在做着帮助艾滋病患者的工作。

10.Desmond Tutu Center for AIDS Research is to undertake cpnical trials of the AIDS vaccine, one of the main body.戴斯蒙德·图图艾滋病研究中心是承担此次艾滋病疫苗临床试验的主要机构之一。