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un.1.island of French Polynesia, the largest of the Society Islands, in the southern Pacific Ocean.

1.大溪地 Syria 叙利亚) Tahiti 塔希提岛) Taiwan 台湾) ...

3.西提岛 SYRIA 叙利亚 TAHITI 塔希堤岛 TAIWAN 台湾(台北市以外) ...


1.Strickland made no particular impression on the people who came in contact with him in Tahiti.思特里克兰德没有给那些在塔希提同他有接触的人留下什么特别的印象。

2.Darwin visited Tierra del Fuego, Tahiti and Tasmania, along with other exotic locales, but he never set foot in the United States.在此期间,达尔文访问了火地岛、塔希提岛和塔斯曼尼亚岛,还有其他一些奇异的地方,但是他从未踏足美国。

3.The effect on Berkshire's share price if Mr Buffet were to fall under a lorry or suddenly decided to retire to Tahiti would be catastrophic.如果巴菲特被卡车撞倒,或是突然决定退休归隐塔希提岛,伯克希尔的股价都会遭遇灾难性的打击。

4.but I do not suppose I should ever have set down my recollections if the hazards of the war had not taken me to Tahiti.但如果不是战争的动乱使我有机会踏上塔希提岛的话,我是不会把我的一些回忆写在纸上的。

5.Mr. Palmer's business empire is all over the map. He owns five golf courses in Austrapa and three resorts, including one in Tahiti.帕尔默的商业帝国无所不及。他拥有五家在澳大利亚的高尔夫球场,还拥有三处度假胜地,其中一家位于塔希提岛。

6.Strickland's idea was to ship on some vessel bound for Austrapa or New Zealand, and from there make his way to Samoa or Tahiti.思特里克兰德的计划是先搭一条去澳大利亚或新西兰的轮船,然后再转途去萨摩亚或者塔希提。

7.in the end , the transit was just a tiny spce of cook ' s adventure , out - enchanted by tahiti and sabotaged by black drops.最终,凌日只是库克冒险中很小的部分,因为塔西提的迷惑和黑滴的破坏。

8.At the time of Cox's death, Brando was in Tahiti. He rushed back to the United States when word reached him.在考克斯去世时,白兰度还在塔希提岛。当他收到消息后就在第一时间匆匆忙忙赶回了美国。

9.This is not the dream of paradise, here is the South Pacific well-known tourist, was referred to as the "gift of God" and Tahiti.这不是梦中的天堂,这里就是南太平洋著名的旅游圣地,被称“上帝恩赐的礼物”的大溪地。

10.Dock and Palm Trees, Tahiti A dock juts out to a small palm island, surrounded by the jewel-blue waters of Tahiti.码头延伸至一个被塔希提岛宝蓝色海水所包围的棕榈小岛上。